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Cartridge chip stuck in case?


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Welcome to the wonderful world of 8-bit carts! This is how all Atari brown carts look. Its a simple but clever mechanism. When you slide the cart onto the cartridge port of the computer, the two tabs on either side of the port will unlock the mechanism and the plastic pieces will slide up to expose the edge connector. The purpose of the system, of course, is to protect the edge from dirt etc. Later cart designs just left the connector exposed. This saved money because the connectors proved to be not so fragile after all.

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TRY to wiggle and mangle the cart when inseting it :sad:


for example if only half of the cart comes in pull it out alittle and just push the opposite way!! ;)


my pac-man cart has this problem!! :x


OHH and ILOVECIRCUSATARI nice haul the other day in the thrift store with all of that for ten bucks not bad not bad at all!! :D

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dude the only time you need the basic cartage is for like the 400 and 800 so it shouldn't matter you asaid you had and an xl version of the computer right in a post i mean if your going to program don't do it on the 400 its a waste if you ask me

Program? Who's going to program? I'm too busy playing pacman to program! :D

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