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Planet Bob - Playing Dark Fusion (C64)


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Hi there!


Yup, it's that time again! Horizontal shmupping! :D




Dark Fusion is one of the rare shoot'em ups from Gremlin, who were mostly focused on Jump'n Runs on the 8-Bitters.


Nevertheless it is a pretty solid effort.


The player starts out on foot in a hub level. It's pretty dangerous there already, but here he can power up his weapons and enter the space levels through portals.


He has to run'n gun to three portals in each level. The first two will open up impressive boss battles like the one shown above. The last launches some Gradius like space level, were you're making your way to the next hub level.


Dark Fusion is very hard from the get go, but after a while you learn the tricks to survive. Overall it suffers from being a bit too generic in the audio visual execution.


The game ends after four levels:




(Thanks for confirming!

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