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Is this a good deal for a 600XL???


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I just bought http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...&item=800541594 on ebay, was it a good deal? It says that it works, and it has the power supply, so did I get an okay deal? I'm hoping I did and any information regarding this machine will be appreciated. I will also be needing some games(on cartridge, no disk or cassette drive) and if anybody has the memory upgrade thing to make it 64k(I dont' know if this is rare or not?) then I'd like that too. I know almost nothing about the Atari computers so any information will defnitely be appreciated.

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Quite a large percentage of carts, maybe 90%...check out video 61 through the links here at AtariAge under "dealers", he tells you in his list of carts what memory is required for each game or if it's only one of the few that will only run on a 400/800, like Wizard of War... (one of the few 400/800 only carts)

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