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atari2600land's Blog - The Ikon


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Well, I've always been curious as to what shipping does to a record, so I bought a cheap one I wanted. It'd be about what I paid if I went to the record store downtown. I mean, a 12" LP is pretty big, so what box would you need for it? I'm expecting this one to be delivered sometime early next week. I don't know what price shipping would be because this one came with free shipping. It's for my long song vinyl collection. The album is "Todd Rundgren's Utopia." Side B is apparently one track of 30 minutes, called "The Ikon." I may have an idea of what this will sound like, I bought a Todd Rundgren CD a while back off of eBay, this one contains the 35-minute-long "A Treatise on Cosmic Fire." It was split up into four different tracks (boo!) so I had to piece them together to form one track. That's what I like about vinyl: The only way to tell where one track begins and another one ends is by the widening of the grooves....



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