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Tickled_Pink's Blog - New project on Sourceforge - Atrium8


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I started a new project a couple of weeks ago with the help of a Winforms developer I enlisted on Sourceforge. Atrium8 is a set of tools to make the handling of ATR and XFD image files easier.


About 15 years ago I spent 2 years working on a disk cataloguing program called Menu Print. Because of my lack of hardware (only one drive when the program really needed 2 to be efficient) I ended up abandoning it when it was pretty close to completion. Since then, my thoughts have gone back to it from time to time and I've managed to solve one of the program's biggest issues. However, things have moved along in the A8 scene and I don't think there's much call for this kind of tool, even if put on a cartridge.


So a few weeks I started wondering if some of the things I learned from that project could be transferred to the manipulation of atari disk image files.


Atrium8 will, it is hoped, offer the following features:


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