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atari2600land's Blog - fBay


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I'm beginning to think the e in eBay stands for expensive. Every video game seller overprices stuff WAY too much. If they had SANE prices, I'd have about 350 Atari 2600 games. But no. a loose Crash Dive just has to be $20. http://www.atariage.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/atariage/icon_rolleyes.gif And that's a cheapie compared to the other way overpriced games. A paperback book for kids I got new for probably $5 in 1997 is now apparently worth $25. Does anyone actually PAY this much for this junk? Why? What are the sellers thinking?! Just because it's old means it's expensive? Meanwhile, I'm getting GBA games for my blog section, many of them for less than $5, and that includes shipping. Now that's just absurd. Has it ever occured to the sellers that maybe your stuff isn't selling because it's priced too high? Makes me want to open a seller's account and sell used, empty candy bar wrappers for $10 each. An empty bag of marshmallows for $20. Hey, if people are paying $20 for a...



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