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FA: Air Raid on GameGavel.com


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I don't like this one bit. Relistings. Reserves. Nonspecific talk about prices. Last known on eBay. This is not an auction. It's a priced sale. So why waste everyone's time?


I made an offer, but got no response at all. What is the point of that? I think I was the only bidder too.


This is a swell piece, but this type of non-binding randomness doesn't help to instill confidence in the site.

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I wonder if the seller got permission to use those pictures/scans of the Air Raid box to make that wooden cart holder? :ponder: :thumbsdown:


(Before this turns into a gigantic debate about whether someone "has to" or not, I believe personally that it is good form to ask permission to use hosted images in a manner such as this. It is just my personal opinion.)

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I don't like this one bit. Relistings. Reserves. Nonspecific talk about prices. Last known on eBay. This is not an auction. It's a priced sale. So why waste everyone's time?


I made an offer, but got no response at all. What is the point of that? I think I was the only bidder too.


This is a swell piece, but this type of non-binding randomness doesn't help to instill confidence in the site.


I don't think the site can be held 100% responsible for anything regarding any auction outcome. People list how they list and that has more affect on how successful an auction is or not - at least it plays a significant part in it. It will be interesting to see how he relists it on Ebay if it doesn't sell here. I still have plenty of confidence in GG and if it were mine I would have listed with a conservative reserve and kept quiet about it - $1500 or something and let the bidding fly. Or even a $1500 starting bid and let it go up from there. There is enough demand for this game that it would have done just fine that way.


Also, I met with a large company at E3 that is propositioning me to sell. It looks like they will be buying into the site 19.9% - they wanted it all, but ain't gonna happen. We will see what happens but the bottom line is it will be a much more heavily traveled site in the next few months.

Edited by Parrothead
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I don't like this one bit. Relistings. Reserves. Nonspecific talk about prices. Last known on eBay. This is not an auction. It's a priced sale. So why waste everyone's time?


I made an offer, but got no response at all. What is the point of that? I think I was the only bidder too.


This is a swell piece, but this type of non-binding randomness doesn't help to instill confidence in the site.


ianoid - Glad to see you on here. I did post specifically to you over in my other thread here - just now came across this thread today.

Very sorry, not intending to confuse anyone or waste anyone's time. I thought I was being very very specific about things.

I disclosed all numbers clearly - the reserve, the opening bid, the clear fact that this was really for the purpose of taking offers for consideration.

Obviously, when I had no luck with the first listing. I would relist.


I was trying my best to set up a MAKE AN OFFER listing, but the GG site required the bidding option in there too.


I really thought that I had noted very specific info about prices, actually. Simply trying to get in the range of the last one sold on ebay - as that should show the current going worth in this condition.

I assumed most here knew that it went for $2938.98. I set the BUY NOW in the listing to the exact same price.


Your offer was very generous and when I saw notice from GG that it had been made, I logged on to consider and likely accept it... but the fact that you placed a (much lower) bid - removed the offers from me.

This is also why I could not even reply to you. Truly, you removed your own best offer by placing the bid.


I was hoping you would repeat the offer on the relisted item - but did not hear from you.


SO, the relist just ended today - with the GG site going down offline for the final, critical 15 minutes of the listing?! Very odd.


I've been contacted by another ebayer with serious interest. Looks like ebay will be the way to go on this. I just hate giving ebay such a cut of things. Really wanted to favor the smaller site.


Here is a quote of my other posting to you guys

Hi Wolf and ianoid... others... Only a few hours left on my Air Raid GameGavel listing... I was coming pretty darn close to accepting the best offer made (I was hoping to get more in the range of the last known ebay sold price - as this cart is as good or better than it seemed to be).. but the fact that bids were placed on the listing seems to have removed the offers from the table. If this listing ends with no winner, no worries. I will repost in the morning as a 1 day offer only listing to give you guys another shot...


BTW - ianoid, I LOVE Oak Park! I live in Nashville, but I try to visit once a year to just walk by the FLW houses and take in the awesome neighborhood... I just visited Falling Water near Pittsburgh last weekend. I almost considered a counter offer with just enough $$ to cover a quick SWA flight up to Chicago - so I could hand deliver the cart to you! Silly, I know - but would make a great story!

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I can't decide if I'm too miffed to bid. I may or may not. I had no idea that putting in a bid would remove my offer. I figured they could be simultaneous. I just wanted to make sure that you knew I was interested either way, plus I had not heard from you so I didn't know what your deal was. If you are interested in selling the game to me for my offer price or close, PM me. Otherwise, I may not bid on eBay. Bear in mind your fees will be quite high. Plus I much rather would have had the fees go to gamegavel.com than eBay.


If you want to work with me on this personally, send me a note.

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Good luck Ianoid...if you really want this game you should get him to deal with you since you are a collector. Ebay will just have somebody low ball him and then they will turn around and resell it for like $100,000 listing knowing it will not sell for that....

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I can't decide if I'm too miffed to bid. I may or may not. I had no idea that putting in a bid would remove my offer. I figured they could be simultaneous. I just wanted to make sure that you knew I was interested either way, plus I had not heard from you so I didn't know what your deal was. If you are interested in selling the game to me for my offer price or close, PM me. Otherwise, I may not bid on eBay. Bear in mind your fees will be quite high. Plus I much rather would have had the fees go to gamegavel.com than eBay.


If you want to work with me on this personally, send me a note.



ianoid- Gosh, I really hate that your low bid on GG cancelled your nice offer - before I could accept or even reply to you - Friday was a really busy day for me - work-trade show. Mike at GG was waiving all the fees as an awesome courtesy just to get the publicity. I did have it listed clearly for over a week, for anyone to jump in with an offer. I really wish that things worked out to sell through his site. I'm sure you realize that I had no control over that quirk of the GG site. Other than that I'm really unclear of what has miffed you. I have tried my best to express that your interest in very much appreciated and that your offer is great. Again, I hoped to get a bit more in the range of that last ebayed Air Raid cart - as I've set for the current Buy Now price - but if the market does not bring it - that is fine. No worries, I will not let this cart go for a lowball offer. I'd much rather keep it.


As a courtesy to you, I have set the current reserve to the amount of your offer (not making that public giving YOU the edge of this knowledge).

However, I do have another gentleman from FL independently offering the exact same amount... So this is where fair market bidding may come into play.

I an not interested in juggling "off ebay" offers/bids between multiple parties. I must utilize ebay or this - it is only fair.


For the protection of all involved I will only sell through the official channels and protections of a website like Ebay or GameGavel, I hope you can understand.

I am not concerned with their fees.


Please understand that all I wish to do is find a good collector home for this cart at a fair market price, hopefully close to that of the last one sold. I'd love to know that my Air Raid cart had a home in Oak Park!

I am glad to answer any questions you may have.

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I can't decide if I'm too miffed to bid. I may or may not. I had no idea that putting in a bid would remove my offer. I figured they could be simultaneous. I just wanted to make sure that you knew I was interested either way, plus I had not heard from you so I didn't know what your deal was. If you are interested in selling the game to me for my offer price or close, PM me. Otherwise, I may not bid on eBay. Bear in mind your fees will be quite high. Plus I much rather would have had the fees go to gamegavel.com than eBay.


If you want to work with me on this personally, send me a note.



ianoid- Gosh, I really hate that your low bid on GG cancelled your nice offer - before I could accept or even reply to you - Friday was a really busy day for me - work-trade show. Mike at GG was waiving all the fees as an awesome courtesy just to get the publicity. I did have it listed clearly for over a week, for anyone to jump in with an offer. I really wish that things worked out to sell through his site. I'm sure you realize that I had no control over that quirk of the GG site. Other than that I'm really unclear of what has miffed you. I have tried my best to express that your interest in very much appreciated and that your offer is great. Again, I hoped to get a bit more in the range of that last ebayed Air Raid cart - as I've set for the current Buy Now price - but if the market does not bring it - that is fine. No worries, I will not let this cart go for a lowball offer. I'd much rather keep it.


As a courtesy to you, I have set the current reserve to the amount of your offer (not making that public giving YOU the edge of this knowledge).

However, I do have another gentleman from FL independently offering the exact same amount... So this is where fair market bidding may come into play.

I an not interested in juggling "off ebay" offers/bids between multiple parties. I must utilize ebay or this - it is only fair.


For the protection of all involved I will only sell through the official channels and protections of a website like Ebay or GameGavel, I hope you can understand.

I am not concerned with their fees.


Please understand that all I wish to do is find a good collector home for this cart at a fair market price, hopefully close to that of the last one sold. I'd love to know that my Air Raid cart had a home in Oak Park!

I am glad to answer any questions you may have.


Newdrum & Ianoid,


I am trying to find out what happened here regarding Ian's offer. I do show an offer in Newdrums Messages area that sat unread. If it had been read you could have accepted, rejected or counter offered until the two of you came to an agreement. So not sure what happened there but the offer is still in your GG messages area and you should have also received an email notification of the offer as well. I think the system worked correctly and don't see evidence of any bid or offer disappearing. Just an FYI.

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Newdrum & Ianoid,


I am trying to find out what happened here regarding Ian's offer. I do show an offer in Newdrums Messages area that sat unread. If it had been read you could have accepted, rejected or counter offered until the two of you came to an agreement. So not sure what happened there but the offer is still in your GG messages area and you should have also received an email notification of the offer as well. I think the system worked correctly and don't see evidence of any bid or offer disappearing. Just an FYI.


It was a bit confusing, I did get the email notice of the offer - but when I tried to check into it on the GG site it truly seemed to have been removed when the first actual bid was placed.

Anyway, the cart has now found a great home with nice a collector in FL who grabbed it with the buy now. Would have been very interesting to see how the bidding would have played out... but I'm happy with the sale.

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