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atari2600land's Blog - Bugs that bug


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I love me a stupid movie. This time, though there was a deal I couldn't pass up: a 100-movie pack at Best Buy for $30. Some of the titles I recognize from MST3K (Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, Ring of Terror, The Phantom Creeps.) Some sound very stupid (which I like. Stuff like The Day the Sky Exploded, and Purple Death From Outer Space.) I just got finished watching Robot Pilot. That link takes you to a movie called Emergency Landing. I think it's the same movie, though. One thing I hate about this certain movie pack that I do not recall them doing in others (I bought other things from this same company, Mill Creek Entertainment): They put this big huge "bug" that says "Mill Creek Entertainment" on for about 10-15 seconds. Robot Pilot is 67 minutes long, and I saw the bug pop up three times. Did they really see it necessary to ruin the movie like that? How could you NOT KNOW that the movie is from the company when it has the name of the company...



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