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Hitachi's Blog - Intro!


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Hello to everyone who reads blogs on AtariAge. I have never written a blog anywhere before so please, go easy on me.



My name's Adam but my screen name is Hitachi.

I chose Hitachi because it is the brand name of the TV that my NES is currently hooked up to. It's an older TV with the built in rabbit ears, and tuning knobs for each channel button.


Anyway, I've had a lot of fun and frustration so far with my gaming experience.


The first system i played on was a Super Nintendo. I don't remember the exact game but it was probably donkey kong country. I actually remember renting games for it at the Hollywood video. Super Mario All-Stars is still my favorite game for it.


After that, my family got an N64. Yoshi's story was one of the first games i played for it. Diddy Kong Racing is a terrible game.


I got a Gameboy Color next and enjoyed it to death. Untill the gameboy advance. I played that for several years.


The next system we got was of course the Gamecube. That...



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