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atari2600land's Blog - Six week anniversary


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Well, yesterday was the six week anniversary of getting my N-Gage. During that time, I managed to get 21 games, all for under $10. "One" was the most expensive of them. It came in the mail along with Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004. Was surfing eBay for N-Gage games when I came across a few, from America, with apparently stock photos from Europe, because the rating was "12+" instead of "T". You would think that they could get some pictures of the box from America. Also, why is Requiem of Hell so expensive? The cheapest one on there is $19.99! Digital Press says it's a rarity 2, yet lists the price as $20. I understand why Mario and Zelda games go for sometimes outrageous prices despite their commonness, but this is the N-Gage we're talking about. Mind you, if I ever find Mile High Pinball, I'd pay that much for it. DP says it's only a R3, yet I have yet to see it on eBay. Anyway, I have apparently two more games to go until I hit the half-way mark.



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