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Craigslist 5200 Score


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Hi all,


I usually live on the 2600 and 7800 side of Atari Age, but I ran across an ad on Craigslist recently with a bunch of 5200 equipment. I was able to obtain the following:


  • One two-port 2500 console
  • Two four-port 2500 consoles
  • About two dozen games (including Zaxxon, see marketplace or PM if interested).
  • Four controllers (I haven't been able to get any to work 100% just yet)
  • A trackball
  • A 2600 adapter
  • A power supply (for the two-port), no RF power/video thingy for the four-ports consoles.
  • Misc. 2600 and 7800 stuff that isn't relevant to this specific post (but a full-functioning 2600 plus two nice controllers were in the lot).


The lot was listed for $75, but I was able to obtain it all for $40. I have been able to successfully test the two-port console and I can fully play the Pac-Man games as I've been able to get one of the controllers to do everything but fire. Zaxxon isn't much fun without the fire button. :)


My focus is currently on my 2600/7800 collection, but I'll probably keep the two-port, trackball, adapter, and a few games.


Here are a few questions since I'm new to the 5200 scene.


  • What is the going rate for Zaxxon? I've already posted a few others (Astrocase without a label, Buck Rogers, and River Raid) on eBay.
  • Is it worth my effort to obtain the RF thingy to test the two four-ports before trying to sell them? Are there alternative solutions to the RF video/power thingy? I'd be willing to listen to offers for them in untested form. If I send them to eBay, what is a reasonable starting and/or ending price?
  • The trackball rolls nicely to the right and up, but not to the left or down. I took it apart and it almost seems like the ball is too small? Or are there springs missing that would hold it up better? Everything seems to be in place as far as I can tell.
  • Are there any good guides for controller or trackball repair? Any other experience that would be helpful?


In general, the hardware and carts appear to have spent a significant amount of time in a dusty place. Some of the 2600 carts were in awful shape, but most of the 5200 games responded immediately or just after a few attempts and I have yet to attempt any cleaning.


I know, I know... pics or it didn't happen... here you go! Thanks in advance for any advice!!



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Is this the going rate for one of these RF thingys?


eBay Auction -- Item Number: 2805254152181?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=280525415218&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]


Is there any other way to test my four-ports without one of these? Is there a better place to buy a similar device?


Thanks for any feedback!



That's obviously not the original AC Adapter. I'm having a hard time making out the specs, but I think it reads that the output is 11.5v, No Load, must be used with 9v, 300ma power consumption device. I think the voltage is OK, but I'm somewhat electronics-ignorant and don't know if 'no load' is correct for the 5200. There's also no way to really tell if the polarity is right or if the plug will fit correctly in the switchbox.


If you did buy that switchbox, I'd verify everything is OK before using that AC Adapter with the switchbox and the 5200.


As for the switchbox price, Best Electronics lists a new (well, never used, but obviously not made this decade) switchbox for $29.95. 4Jays lists a used switchbox for $19.95.

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Sweet deal you got. The controllers are fully restorable with new parts from Best and simple aluminum foil dots glued to the carbon contacts on the back of all the rubberized buttons.


I picked up a copy of 5200 Zaxxon at a GW in my area around last Christmas. Only paid $2 if I remember correctly. The game goes for crazy amounts on ePay but I have no interest in selling mine.


Your trak ball probably just needs all the internal contacts and "x" and "y" roller bearings thoroughly cleaned. I had to do that to mine after I got it and it has been excellent in performance ever since.


BTW: How much would you ask for one of the 4-port consoles you are not going to keep?

Edited by tz101
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Sweet deal you got. The controllers are fully restorable with new parts from Best and simple aluminum foil dots glued to the carbon contacts on the back of all the rubberized buttons.


I picked up a copy of 5200 Zaxxon at a GW in my area around last Christmas. Only paid $2 if I remember correctly. The game goes for crazy amounts on ePay but I have no interest in selling mine.


Your trak ball probably just needs all the internal contacts and "x" and "y" roller bearings thoroughly cleaned. I had to do that to mine after I got it and it has been excellent in performance ever since.


BTW: How much would you ask for one of the 4-port consoles you are not going to keep?


I have a trakball I recently got from Ebay/paypal deal that has a squeaky trakball and fire buttons don't work. Anyone fix A5200 trakballs? I already cleaned the rollers. It seems like it's that little roller in the diagonal position that's squeaking and the buttons work when I press them directly after removing them from trakball.

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