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atari2600land's Blog - sequel time


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A few years ago, you probably won't remember, but I made a 15-minute-long piece of music. Now I got bored, and, inspired by the first part of Rush's "Fountain of Lamneth", am writing a second 15-minute-long piece of music. I want to call it "My Butt Hurts part 2" but my mom thinks it's too beautiful to be called that. You can take a listen of a little over a minute's worth of work here. Overall, this took about an hour to compose, most of the time was spent putting it on the computer because I am going to use my slow computer because my computer is too stupid to use the software I use (Cakewalk. It doesn't like it for some reason.) So, now I have a little project to do if I ever get bored. You can also listen to "My Butt Hurts part 1" here.



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