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Was this a dimwit buyer?


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Ha, well I had some time on my hands to give eBay a call and talk to them directly. After about 20 minutes on hold and being bounced around I finally got to talk with someone that can help me and they did end up siding with me.


The case was closed and my funds were returned to my account (still lost a few bucks in fees and got a negative feedback), but this is about the best I can hope for anyway. The funds did not come from the buyer as eBay reimbursed me directly. So, really the buyer will never know this as eBay gave each of us our money back. Good thing for them this wasn't a more expensive item.


I don't know if I will get the item back, but it doesn't matter too much now that most of the funds were returned anyway.


Thanks for this tip. :)

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Great, glad to hear you got your money back and that you were able to talk to a rational human being at eBay! Hopefully you'll get the item back. The buyer won't get his funds back until he supplies a tracking number that shows the package is delivered, right?



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You are bidding on a very nice Sears brand Atari 2600 System. "Sears Brand" seals the deal as far as I am concerned. If the buyer was confused, there is a nifty little Ask the Seller a question option. Not to mention the picture. If anything, he should have realized his mistake (or misinterpretation) and moved on. We're talking about a pretty clean looking system for around $60 shipped - pocket change. It's not like he got screwed, he actually got a fairly good deal. If this guy is truly buying this for a collection, he's on a road to spending a heck of a lot more than $60...


Nice editing. You forgot the paste the other part:


You will receive:


Atari 2600 system


Like I said, the description is confusing because it didn't state what it really is - a Sears Telegames System. Why doesn't the seller state it for what it really is?


Anyway, it looks like everyone got their money back and all, so no one really lost anything. I hope the seller (and anyone else selling a Sears Telegames System) notes my suggestions in Post #37 to better inform their bidders of what they are really bidding on.

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To me, there's not much doubt this buyer was a dimwit of sorts. But, I'm fairly knowledgeable on the 'difference' between a regular 2600 and a Telegames system so I can't really say if, as a complete outsider I'd know the difference. The crappy part is the buyer bid at the last second and may not have had time to research the difference. Yes, it is up to the buyer to know and read but then again part of running a business is dealing with dimwit and/or otherwise unhappy customers. If you've ever been or are a business owner you know that and understand you have to deal with that from time to time.

I think ebay's biggest fault is letting people use the site as a full-time job with these stores and "power-sellers" and whatnot. Ebay was great when it ran in it's original form, an online garage sale for people to sell crap they don't want anymore, NOT as a career or profession.

The anti-ebay spewdom (and not meaning that towards the op, who has been pretty calm and patient imo) always gives me a laugh. There's other auction sites out there people. Ebay either sucks, and you move to one of the other sites or it doesn't. Make up your mind.

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Nice editing. You forgot the paste the other part:


You will receive:


Atari 2600 system


What editing? Sears brand is right at the top, in bold larger letters. You actually have to read in further to a smaller print to see the second part. Enough said. And to address your other point - you do receive an Atari 2600 system. Open that system up and a freaking Atari logo is on the mobo. Care to explain that? And which game cartridges does the seller's system play? If this guy is going to be a anal collector with systems that sit in a glass case that he never uses, at least know what you're buying and know the differences. Research isn't that difficult with the Internet. Caveat Emptor.


I'll grant you that it should have been stated it was a Telegames system to inform the ignorant, however from what is in the listing, and the picture, it's blatantly obvious what you're buying.

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Hey toymailman... It's a long shot but I'd write him a nice letter now that the smoke has cleared, apologizing (though you and I agree, you did nothing wrong) congratulating him on his refund and free system, and asking that he kindly "please" remove the negative. Follow this up with an immediate mutual feedback removal request through eBays provided link in the help section. He can ignore it or decline it, but you have a chance that since he got away scott free he isn't just trying to screw you all three ways, and will remove it. This is the only way to get it removed, it initiating the voluntary request, and having him respond. You can't lose anything else so it is worth a shot.



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eBay said with the case closed that the buyer gets thier funds too as it was "officially" ruled in their favor. So, we each have our money back and it is anyones guess who will get the system. The buyer may or may not ship it now, but either way is okay.



;) good work! You won't get it back.. I'm pretty sure Ebay doesn't let the buyer know on your transaction with them since the refund didn't come from the buyer? And I really don't think it would of made any difference if you would of put Telegames or whatever in there. It was what it was and the seller just didn't know what he was buying..

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Now all you **** can quit spamming me

Member id scaudill1986 ( Feedback Score Of 2 )

Feedback was revised on Jul-04-10 15:33


haha.... so who were the spammers ;)


I educated him with one message. I wouldn't call it spam.




Good job AX!! +1! Nice of you to make that effort to help Toymailman. Morgan

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Yes, it looks like it has all cleared up and thanks guys for any help. I have already sent a last message to the buyer to let them know I will swap the system out with a non-Sears 4-switch or a junior system (provided a link with pictures so it is clear what these are) as I have these as extras at the moment. :)

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