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atari2600land's Blog - unsimpat.ico


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Working with icons in Photoshop sure is a chore and hard to do, and I'd MUCH rather do it in MSPaint. First off, you can't just select one of the 256 pixels and change its color. No, that'd be too easy. Anyway, I thought I'd work on my website a little. I have a whole bunch of sections of it, and I just thought I'd see whether these individual sections can have their own icons. I thought I'd tackle the section on the unofficial Cherriots homepage first, since it's been neglected for a while. After horsing around in Photoshop for about 20 or so minutes, I figured the icon looked like crap still, but good enough to use. As you can notice there are a few pixels on the bottom of the cherry that are annoyingly white that I wanted red. But Photoshop won't let me just select those pixels and make them red. Also, I didn't even want to use the newer Cherriots logo. I wanted the old one. But it looked even more crappy when converted to an icon. Half the...



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