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Who wrote Pac-Man?


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Something I'm curious about: Since the 5200 ver. is basically the same as the 8k 400/800 cart, did they add the intermissions specifically for the 5200 cart version? Or, was there already a 16K version "in the labs" with intermissions which were stripped out for the 400/800 version to fit the cart in 8K when it was originally released? Anybody have any insight here?


Too much time on my hands, I know...

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And like I pointed out.. there seem to be some 400/800 versions with a different (MORE ACCURATE) dot-eating sound than the regular 400/800/5200 version :D


Now if we could only put that correct sound into the 5200 version which also has the intermissions.. we'd have a pretty perfect Pacman :)

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@NE146 - Are you saying that slightly different 800 carts exist? Some with better sound?


@Goochman - Thank you very much. It has to be Jim Andreason then. This also fits in with my theory that "Glenn the 5200" was someone who had access to the original 800 versions and did not need to translate from 5200 to 800.

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@NE146 - Are you saying that slightly different 800 carts exist? Some with better sound?


Yes.I don't know if it came in cart format, but I was checking out various pacman disk images via an emulator, and found that some of them had a different "dot-eating" sound than the 5200 version. In fact, it was even closer to the arcade version and much better.


I posted about it here (and also uploaded the files for anyone to check out - scroll to the bottom). One has the "waka waka" dot-eating sound which is really close to the arcade version, the other one has the same dot-eating sound as the 5200 version (which sucked imho). Download them and check it out! :)



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