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(Insert stupid Blog name here) - Good riddance to bad rubbish... Part 3


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So long, Domino's!


I've tolerated Domino's pizza for years. Sometimes it's pretty good, but more often than not, it's flavorless and bland. The only way it's halfway decent is to get extra sauce dumped on it (which then turns it into a soggy mess). Even after their so-called "improved" recipe, nothing really changed my opinion of them. The only reason I stuck with them as long as I did, was because there was one close enough to where I live so they could deliver. And when you're lazy and hungry, that tends to cloud your judgement. :roll:


I much prefer Round Table Pizza (as far as chains go). But the one that used to be less than 4 miles away (Saugus) closed down years...</img>



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