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atari2600land's Blog - more N-Gage games


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After taking a break from N-Gage collecting, I decided to work on my 2600 collection again. Now, 4 VCS games later, I'm back on my N-Gage collecting. Just ordered WWE Aftershock for $5, which had free shipping. I doubt I'm ever going to play this, but for $5, I couldn't pass it up. I would like to get Rayman 3, but shipping is $4, plus the $9 for the game. What I really want (that isn't even on eBay right now) is Mile High Pinball. It's hot here today, like 90 or something, but it's supposed to be 100 tomorrow and Thursday. So, we're apparently catching up with the rest of the country here. Road Runner for the 2600 came today. It's an OK game, but level 3 is impossible. How do you make Road Runner go fast enough to elude the coyote? There's not enough bird seed, so he catches you. It's frustrating.



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