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FAKE Texas Chainsaw being sold as an original

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eBay seller 530crystalpez69 has been selling reproductions of rare Atari cartridges for months saying the carts were made by "Hoser". I guess he wasn't getting enough money selling Hozer carts as "Hoser" carts so now he is selling reproductions as originals.


Old "Hoser" auction

eBay Auction -- Item Number: 2506465396461?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=250646539646&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]


New repro sold as original

eBay Auction -- Item Number: 2506622913311?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=250662291331&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]

Edited by holygrailvideogames.com
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Someone should suggest there be a sticky thread to post these kind of auctions in so nobody accidentally steps in shit. :roll:


I think you just did. I think that separate threads are a little better though. It doesn't happen everyday and people are more likely to see the new topic than check a sticky out before every ebay purchase they make.

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you can still report him .... and i did :)

I reported all of his auctions for about 2 weeks and none of them were pulled. He sells a bunch of bootleg games and Ebay doesn't seem to care. When I sent him a question about the game and it's authenticity' he Replied" Can't You Read! Made by hoser" spelled wrong of course. I think ebay needs to get a bunch of reports or they won't do anything. This whole thing kind of pisses me off as it de-values my original TCM and Halloween games.

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you can still report him .... and i did :)

I reported all of his auctions for about 2 weeks and none of them were pulled. He sells a bunch of bootleg games and Ebay doesn't seem to care. When I sent him a question about the game and it's authenticity' he Replied" Can't You Read! Made by hoser" spelled wrong of course. I think ebay needs to get a bunch of reports or they won't do anything. This whole thing kind of pisses me off as it de-values my original TCM and Halloween games.


Ebay is very screwed up. One of the AtariAge members was selling reproduction carts and tried to do the right thing by stating up front that they were reproductions. Ebay pulled the auctions. Don't state that they are reproductions and everything is fine. So Ebay only seems to care about how the post is worded, not what is actually being sold.

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you can still report him .... and i did :)

I reported all of his auctions for about 2 weeks and none of them were pulled. He sells a bunch of bootleg games and Ebay doesn't seem to care. When I sent him a question about the game and it's authenticity' he Replied" Can't You Read! Made by hoser" spelled wrong of course. I think ebay needs to get a bunch of reports or they won't do anything. This whole thing kind of pisses me off as it de-values my original TCM and Halloween games.


Ebay is very screwed up. One of the AtariAge members was selling reproduction carts and tried to do the right thing by stating up front that they were reproductions. Ebay pulled the auctions. Don't state that they are reproductions and everything is fine. So Ebay only seems to care about how the post is worded, not what is actually being sold.

Yes, eBay is screwed up. At least if they're going to run it like the Wild Wild West and count on the users to be digital rangers, the least that eBay could do is actually follow up on the intel that gets reported.


I have mixed feelings about copyrighted material being illegally reproduced, but I'd appreciate it if eBay - as a "legitimate" business - would keep it out of their listings. If people want reproductions, finding them elsewhere online isn't difficult.

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eBay Auction -- Item Number: 3205467162671?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=320546716267&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]


No mention of hozer or repro, but at least he left the head on the cart. Still shady though.


shady? just stupid .... this is a 10$ game offered for 100 ... clearly he is trying to rip off people ...


another reported auction! and everyone else should do so as well ... it doesn't take long to report it as copyright violation

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That last one was a sham. I think doing business like that is crap. I will say this: if you advertise it as a copy... The buyer needs to read the auction and take note that it is a copy. If the buyer doesn't pay attention or just uses poor judgement AND it is the auction ... Then that is the buyers problem.


I think it is like a guy going to a fleamarket shop and buying a coke sign the "looks" old...thinking he hit a gold mine. When in fact it is a repro and he got screwed. That's the buyers problem... If he does not know the details of what makes the coke sign legit... It is a lesson learned.


That said... If you sell an item as being real and you know it is fake... That is crappy. That last auction is a perfect example. He is misleading the buyer.


Note the seller in this threads first post... He made mention of it being a copy for months. Then I think got greedy in the last auction. Yet he made over $800 since april selling these games and admitting they are copies. His mistake. Lol

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I think it is like a guy going to a fleamarket shop and buying a coke sign the "looks" old...thinking he hit a gold mine. When in fact it is a repro and he got screwed. That's the buyers problem... If he does not know the details of what makes the coke sign legit... It is a lesson learned.



So what you're saying is if a seller is deceptive in their description or lack thereof, and the buyer doesn't catch it until it's actually in their hands or in use then they should just chalk it up to experinece?

Nope. 110% gotta call BS on that.

This kind of thinking is EXACTLY why ebay sides with buyers in most cases with little or no real review of the transaction when there is a dispute and why they fixed the feedback system so sellers can't use it as a crutch to get away with it.

If, in your flea market analogy half the vendors were deceiving their customers then saying "well you didn't read the fine print" what do you think will happen?

Bye-Bye customers, bye-bye flea market.


Deception is rarely a good business practice.

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I think it is like a guy going to a fleamarket shop and buying a coke sign the "looks" old...thinking he hit a gold mine. When in fact it is a repro and he got screwed. That's the buyers problem... If he does not know the details of what makes the coke sign legit... It is a lesson learned.



So what you're saying is if a seller is deceptive in their description or lack thereof, and the buyer doesn't catch it until it's actually in their hands or in use then they should just chalk it up to experinece?

Nope. 110% gotta call BS on that.

This kind of thinking is EXACTLY why ebay sides with buyers in most cases with little or no real review of the transaction when there is a dispute and why they fixed the feedback system so sellers can't use it as a crutch to get away with it.

If, in your flea market analogy half the vendors were deceiving their customers then saying "well you didn't read the fine print" what do you think will happen?

Bye-Bye customers, bye-bye flea market.


Deception is rarely a good business practice.



I think you missed his point because his analogy wasn't really spot on.


EricDeLee post cliffs notes... If a seller marks it as a repro then everything is fine. If the buyer doesn't bother reading the description then it is his fault.


I have to say that I agree.

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I think it is like a guy going to a fleamarket shop and buying a coke sign the "looks" old...thinking he hit a gold mine. When in fact it is a repro and he got screwed. That's the buyers problem... If he does not know the details of what makes the coke sign legit... It is a lesson learned.



So what you're saying is if a seller is deceptive in their description or lack thereof, and the buyer doesn't catch it until it's actually in their hands or in use then they should just chalk it up to experinece?

Nope. 110% gotta call BS on that.

This kind of thinking is EXACTLY why ebay sides with buyers in most cases with little or no real review of the transaction when there is a dispute and why they fixed the feedback system so sellers can't use it as a crutch to get away with it.

If, in your flea market analogy half the vendors were deceiving their customers then saying "well you didn't read the fine print" what do you think will happen?

Bye-Bye customers, bye-bye flea market.


Deception is rarely a good business practice.

That's not what I said. What I mean is if a buyer is not the subject matter expert on something but buys something at a high dollar price ... That's on him. If you don't know the ends and out of that particular item. .. Don't but it.

I don't buy coke signs... I can't distinguuish what makes one worth $50 and one worth $250.


If the sign doesn't have a telltale marking on it that makes it legit...a real collector knows. A novice collector that paid too much because he didn't spot it...that's on him.

Face it...we all have overpriced items in our collections that we overpaid for thinking it was worth more. It happens. I think the rest of my post (which you did not quote) explained it perfectly well.

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