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satan165's Dusty Video Game Museum - Wii to fill the void


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Had a hectic day in which I had to run straight to the dentist from work, then stop at home to pick up some foodstuffs and rush to my parents home on the other side of town (all via bike, of course) for an evening BBQ.


Did some Wii gaming with my mom over there. Kept it simple with some Tennis and Bowling on Wii Sports and then some more Bowling on Wii Resort. We both agreed that the increased sensitivity with the added controller attachment for Wii Resort makes a big difference and is more enjoyable and realstic.


Just a short time now to squeeze in a few games on the 2600 and crash out, have to get up early for some interesting work tomorrow in the AM.


Sidenote - broke 50,000 for the first time on River Raid last night after my blog post. I've only broken 40,000 twice but I think I was at 53K yesterday. I was in the intoxicated 'window' between drunk and nothing. Perfectly relaxed to not stress over any aspect of the game. Daily playing has increased my skill...



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