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4Ks' Blog - Lynx: Bigger, Badder, Better (but mostly Bigger)


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When you see Lynx being discussed on the net (or anywhere else, for that matter), some wise guy reminds us all that Lynx sux because it's huge. Yes, it's huge, but size is power. I would love to see your pretty little Game Boy run Klax, so I can whip out my Lynx and blast you away. But anyway, let's discuss Lynx. Like I said, it's big.




But this size is for a good reason. Lynx has a large, color, hi-res, backlit screen. This screen makes it possible to play games like Ms. Pac-Man and Klax without cutting corners. There are also several games for Lynx that were so graphically powerful they couldn't work on any other system (Xybots). It speaks to Lynx's superiority that it took 12 years for a system to come out that could equal it (GBA), and then another 2 to surpass it (N-Gage). But back on topic, Lynx's size is quite justified, unlike Game Boys.





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