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satan165's Dusty Video Game Museum - US Games Obsessions


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Commando Raid and Towering Inferno have been monopolizing my game play and the latter has even been forcing me to 'waste' time away from my console.


First of all -- Commando Raid. I have already submitted a new WR on the emulator side at 71995. I picked up the cart sans box/manual on the cheap this week during a slightly f&*cked up store visit described in an earlier post. My next goal is the new #2 on the console side, I need approximately 77000 there. Yet another record I surpass Robert Mruczek and am honored to do so.


I definately want to add a boxed copy to my collection, found a nice one for only $10 on ebay but unfortunately the seller has nothing else which interests me.





Moving on to Towering Inferno - I picked up a sealed copy for only $5.99 during the same previously described store visit. The emulator record is a paltry 1511 -- definitely within reach. Just recorded about 7 games in a row, twice made it...



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