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satan165's Dusty Video Game Museum - Patch Scores - Revised


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I don't think that many disagree that the 2600 patch scores set my Activision are often times too low. Specifically I'd like to discuss what I consider to be three of the most important games in their all-star roster. They also happen to be three games I consider most important...both to myself personally and to historical gaming.


River Raid at 15,000 is not very serious. Even a cursory gamer can achieve this in a short while.


Frostbite at 40,000 is almost equally as bad. At 75,000 I might still consider it not challenging enough but at least it would be fair.


Seaquest at 50,000 is just as bad. While this title and Frostbite are at least slightly respectable, considering the awesome gameplay they offer you, they should have indulged the player to strive for more.


I understand that it was a commercial interest at heart. Having their customer send in photographs and earning merchandise in return was simply a way to maintain interest in the brand. And I have no problem...



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