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satan165's Dusty Video Game Museum - Activision Game Vault


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Yet more evidence of my Activision obsession.





I picked up Volume 3 at -- of all places -- Menard's at least 15 years ago. It was in a bin of junk software and I may have paid 99 cents for it...perhaps it was $3-4, I don't remember. But it was cheap. And ironically, it is the best and for me the only useful volume. It contains just about all of the 'original 33' and then some, as well as a number of C64 games. It is actually a reissue of some Windows 95 compilations, when I picked it up if decent PC emulators existed, I wasn't savvy (or interested) enough to seek them out so this was quite a score.


Years later as my obsession grew I began to seek out the other volumes. If I could find a copy on ebay, often times they were priced at $20+, which I was not willing to pay.


I finally scored Volume 1 a week ago for 99 cents completing the collection. The volume 2 discs are still sealed in a bag (unless the seller did...



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