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(Insert stupid Blog name here) - Hey kids, it's vitriolic rant time! (Yay!)


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Are you in college, planning to go to college, or planning to send kids to college someday?


Don't ever, EVER take out a student loan from Sallie Mae. Be wary of any loan company that might sell your existing loans to them, as well.


They're evil. I will be well-rid of these conniving, thieving, dishonest, money-grubbing, manipulative, opportunist robber barons, the day I finally get my last loan paid off.


I don't "hate" very often, but I hate Sallie Mae.


I've come to personify the company as some crotchety, cantankerous, nonagenarian old broad, sitting on a rocking chair (next to her sister Fannie) on the porch of an old house packed to the rafters with cash stolen from bankrupt college students, taking pot-shots at passersby with a shotgun, screaming, "Git away from mah MONEY!" BLAM!!


She's been freeloading off of me since the day I graduated, so I've been trying to pay off my loan as fast as I can, so I can ...



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