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satan165's Dusty Video Game Museum - Current backloggery........


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Got my Starpath Supercharger in today! And it works GREAT!


I was able to locate a copy of "Stella's Got a New Brain" on underground-gamer.com where I have been a member just about as long as I have been a member here. Hooked up an ancient Rio CD player I have (it was state of the art years ago, before mp3 players because it - GASP - played data CDs!). Shooting for 12K on Communist Mutants from Space, not working on any of the other games currently and still barely exploring them.


Towering Inferno (2600): this will remain for my lifetime as one of my favorite games of all time. Honestly, it should be highly frustrating but I have no anger towards it, its just a good goddamn game! I have a 1403 on the emulator and weaker scores on the console but that's just bad luck. I just played a rare game WITHOUT videotaping it and got around 1100 on the console. Still shooting for 1500 on both.


Ghostbusters (SMS): In only two days I have made enormous...



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