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atari2600land's Blog - Do the wave!


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Now all the BGMaps and CharSegs are used up. I used to use two seperate BGMaps for front and back, but DanB of Planet Virtual Boy taught me how to use one for both. So with that done, I added the waves back and put it in BGMap2. Actually, Dan did most of the work, I just typed it into my code (and made some minor adjustments to Dan's code so it worked the way I wanted it to.) Also, I've been (stupidly) making levels the way I did in GoSub 1, but Dan got the bright idea to make the character segments in the pictures themselves as opposed to altering the solid blocks of tile to make it look like SMB-style coral. In short, I now make it look like SMB-style coral in the picture. So, the next thing I'd like to do is design more levels and put them in.



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