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Retail hell (The EB years) - Day one of hell


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Ok, just like it says on the title. Hell. Molded into a managerial gig that ended with me leaving and surprisingly, not grabbing a boomstick and heading for a clock tower.


I worked at an Electronics Boutique (the original EB Games name since at first, the company was more Radio Shack than video game store) in Long Island, NY. I had left another manager position because the human resources head hated me since I wasn't down with playing her reindeer games and told me point blank I'd never get promoted. So I had gone to the Warner Bros Studio Store to ask for an application (when people did that in those days instead of internet resumes). The manager never came out to talk to me so I cruised by the EB, got the application and the SIMON test (Basically a test that "attempted" to figure out if you were a druggie or thief or whatever until someone sued over it not being constitutional), filled it out in 10 minutes while walking through the mall, brought it back and went...



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