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4Ks' Blog - The many, many faces of Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man


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Pac-Man has appeared on every system from Channel F (yes really, Channel F!) to Xbox 360, and everything in-between. Any system with a name people know has some kind of Pac-Man, so whatever system you buy, you can be pretty sure it will have at least one version. So without further ado, let's take a look at every version of Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man that falls from the sky. WARNING: this is going to be very long and wordy.




Now, Pac-Man came into existence when Pac-Man creator guy (I can never remember his name) to a piece of pizza from his pie and noticed that it looked like a big mouth. From then on, Pac-Man was slowly conceptualized and made a reality by Namco in 1981. It was a smash hit, and it caused a huge bidding war over the rights to make a home version. Money flew everywhere, and eventually Atari won out. And guess what came out of that?





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