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2 Short Reviews For Wasp! & Worm!


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I finally got these 2 games this week and have really enjoyed playing them so thought I would write 2 short reviews for them!




The first thing that struck me about this game is that it reminded me quite alot of Robotron 2084 in a few ways, not just the warpy effect between the levels but also the frantic one screen gameplay. The idea is pretty simple, to dash around the screen and collect all the mushrooms without getting stung by a wasp. But definate tactics are required otherwise the wasps can surround you and very quickly drain away all your energy. The graphics are quite nice indeed with cute cartoony sprites and plenty of vibrant colour, I particularly liked the way the wasps hover over a flower from time to time. Sound is about as good as you are gonna get on the TIA chip and suits the game. Gameplay wise I found Wasp! really fun to play and is definately a game I will go back to.


Graphics: 7

Sound: 6

Gameplay: 7

Overall: 7




This is the second of Groovybee's great games for the 7800 and is based off the classic Nokia phone game Snake. You move your worm around the screen eating all the apples and as you eat your worm grows, touch your own body and you die. This much is just like the mobile phone game but where Worm! differs is it adds walls, obstacles and fungus which can kill you if you hit them! There are also flowers spread around the level and you must eat those too, although you can set just how many need to be eaten from the games options. I was always rubbish at Snake and so wasn't too good at this but I loved the level designs I saw and the learning curve is perfect. Graphics are really nice and it even has some TIA music on the title screen which surprised me. If you were a fan of Snake or love games that require quick reactions then this is a must have game. For everyone else this is still a great title to pick up, hell I hated Snake on my old Nokia but still managed to enjoy this!


Graphics: 7

Sound: 7

Gameplay: 8

Overall: 8

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