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Opening up a 2-port 5200 power supply?


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I was playing with my 2-port 5200 last night when the thing just up and died. No power, no power LED. Wondering if the power supply is to blame, I tried to open it up, but the thing is sealed really tight... peeling off the 4 rubber feet revealed no screws. Anyone ever get one of these open?

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Yeah. I just used a small hacksaw and then cracked the edges with a knife. you might want to get a fuse holder so you don't have to unsolder in case it happens again. It's rare but I have blown a couple of fuses. Never have glued it back down. It's ugly but works.

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I was playing with my 2-port 5200 last night when the thing just up and died. No power, no power LED. Wondering if the power supply is to blame, I tried to open it up, but the thing is sealed really tight... peeling off the 4 rubber feet revealed no screws. Anyone ever get one of these open?


It's a good idea to try to get a working power supply first to make sure it is the power supply internals and not the connector or something else.


I actually have one non-working A5200 as well but it gives a black screen and I have traced it down to the RAM. And that's a harder thing to find than a PS.

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I was playing with my 2-port 5200 last night when the thing just up and died. No power, no power LED. Wondering if the power supply is to blame, I tried to open it up, but the thing is sealed really tight... peeling off the 4 rubber feet revealed no screws. Anyone ever get one of these open?

I think it was pretty common for the fuse inside those to pop. I had to replace the fuse in my original PSU along time ago as well. You do need to saw at the PSU with something to open that sucker up, and I agree with the other guy, if its the fuse that popped, then get a fuse holder so you can hold it externally. However I paid $15 for a new OEM power supply not too long ago on eBay. Not a bad option either.

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