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atari2600land's Blog - I'm sick of summer


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I am getting sick and tired of being hot almost all the time. I wish it was winter. I wish it was 40 degrees for a high. I'm sick of sweating profusely in my room. And the bad part is we have two more months of this! I want it to be snow season, or at least time to put the Halloween lights up (October 1.) I want to have the best Christmas light display this year, so I'm going all out this year. Buying lights and stuff. Heck, I'll even pay for part of the electric bill if I have to. I know I say this every year, and then once the Friday after Thanksgiving comes I don't plan on doing as much because it's too cold, but now I don't think there is such a thing as "too cold." And it's been a cooler than average summer so far with no triple digit degree days (yet). I don't know, it's just fun to sit here and think about winter while I'm sweating to death. At least mom let me turn on the air conditioner. I went out and tried to play...



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