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atari2600land's Blog - Who's the BOSS?


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I remember Dragnerok X. Nice guy who was from my state (one of the few LOL.) Since he disappeared into thin air, I thought I'd try my hand at a 2600 operating system. This is the very first build of BOSS (batari Operating System something.) I have yet to figure out just what the second S stands for, maybe I'll just leave it standing for "something." I'm planning to actually put some programs into this, but for now, it's just a blank screen with a cursor. But this OS has something X's didn't: I thought the score would be a perfect place to put a clock in. So I put in a clock. Only problem is that every time you boot the thing up, it resets to AM12:00:00. Oh, and if you let the program sit idle for a minute, you'll get a little surprise. I won't spoil it, you'll just have to see it for yourself. Now I'm working on 4 projects at once: this, Tossing Cookies 2, a secret game, and GoSub 3D, the last 2 I haven't been working on at all for...



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