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Lakavision Limited - First sprites made. Mulling details..


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Well, last night I made the player sprite for my Knightmare clone. Ironically the second iteration I did at lunch had a worse face and better arms and legs. This night I combined both for great justice!


Made the initial title, level and boss screen. The more I delve into it the less I think bank switching is needed. 'Course, I'll eat my own words as the code fills up!


Multi-sprite is still too complicated for me. Maybe next game. In the mean-time I thought of several workarounds. One is to make a car sprite using the ball as a body and 2 missiles as tires. Also, since the sprites can be pretty tall I thought of just putting several sprite graphics on one sprite. I stuffed 3 "sprites" onto one 8x24 sprite with an okay result.


It's also handy to have taught myself that you can use playfield pixels as additional colors in your sprite as seen in the CandyBar Chef. The trade-off is movement becomes too quick and jerky sometimes.





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