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Broken 7800 cart slot

Rex Dart

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You know the prongs in the cart slot of an atari console that are used to push aside the dust cover of certain game carts? They've been broken off of this 7800 and lost, sadly. Is this something I can easily repair? Does anybody have any tips on half-ass solutions like attaching some extra bit in there, or will I need to replace the entire cart slot/guide? How difficult is it to replace that, if that's the method I must use?


Thank you all.

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I recently acquired a 7800 system with a problem also, had to resort to ebay and a new system. If, for any reason you are unable to fix it, check ebay out for systems only. If it doesn't have the power supply or controllers, you can get them under $20 shipped. I am waiting for mine to come in the mail, I paid $17.50 shipped.


Good luck, hope you can fix it.

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Fairly sure the cart mechanism isn't part of the outer case. But, IIRC there's a voltage regulator that uses it as a heatsink, so removing the thing isn't so straightforward.

It's not part of the Upper shell, and the Cart guide/cup is NOT connected to the heat sink/voltage regulator. It's just a piece of plastic.


If you can't get a new one, there is a work around.


go to any hardware store/Home Depot/Lowes and get a set of these:




they should be in a pack of "Cup Hooks". You might even be able to find them at the grocery store if you have one of those Giant/Super Stop & Shop type places.


Then, using a sturdy pair of wire cutters, cut down the hook part to be about 1/4 inch long. (see illustration below) also, cut the hilt off (the ring around the top of the screw part).


when you cut it down, cut it at a 45 degree angle, so that it's like a knife.


Now use a pair of vicegrip pliers to hold it, and screw it into the exact spot on the cart guide where the plastic tab broke off. It's soft enough plastic, so this should be fairly easy.


make sure when you finish tightening it, that the angled face where you cut the hook now angles properly with the angled tab inside a 2600 cart.




Edited by Underball
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GREAT idea there. It sounds like you've done this before. How sturdy is it when in place? I'll probably wind up doing that if I can't find a replacement.


Strong, like Bull.


just make sure you use the small ones, and be careful when screwing it in so as not to break the plastic.

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