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Lakavision Limited - Only small progress today..


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Got some good vibes from Albert about future homebrew. Fellow AtariAge members gave me the straight scoop on Hozers. accousticguitar really convinced me to steer away.


My carts for CandyBar did get made under the wire before the store close. Albert personally tested each cart. Soon I will have proof that I made a game: a physical box, manual and cart. Somehow making a digital download only PC game doesn't garner the same satisfaction.


TIGSource had a small issue with my entry for their AGBIC Compo. Thankfully I received Moderator and community help and the issue was fixed.


The hunt for a local source of cartridge boxes began! May break down and buy cases online. Only found cheap card carriers and flash card boxes so far.


Hope this non-progress day is a fluke. Wednesday seems more open for programming time.



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