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Ebay Excessive shipping Control?

Chris Leach

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Bottom line through all the arguments, back and forth, Ebay has decided. You're not going to screw the buyers. If you choose to jack up the price to ship by adding bullshit costs, like gas (WTF does gas have to do with shipping???) or time standing in line at the post, you'd better hope your buyer is either naive, uncaring, or just plain stupid. Otherwise you will get a well deserved neg. And there ain't a damn thing you can do about it. Period. Dot. End of story.

Ha Ha.

Ha Ha Ha.



BTW...not necessarily aiming that at you save2600, however I've been on Ebay since the late 90's. While that was not the beginning, I've been on long enough to understand. Sellers originally sold on ebay as a way to get rid of junk they didnt want. A virtual online garage sale. Then the power sellers came in. The people who, instead of a getting a real job, they started buying crap from thrifts, WalMart, (or worse, Ebay) and flipping it for profit full time. Sure, this is capitalism, but then they got greedy and started playing games. Games with shipping costs, games with feedback, games with descriptions. Ebay lost customers (buyers), and millions of dollars. They needed to make a change. They did, and for the better. Only sellers dislike it, and really...if they do the right thing and treat their customers well there's nothing to worry about.

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ebays screws over the sellers badly in fees, the only way we sellers can offset evilbay is by jacking the shipping cost as high as we can...


Soo...ebay "screws" sellers, and in turn that justifies screwing your customers.


Attitudes like this are exactly why ebay finally fixed the feedback system. It lets us buyers neg the shit out of sellers who pull this kind of crap. If I pay $12 to get a cart shipped to me, there'd better be at least a $10 stamp on it. Else the seller gets a well deserved neg. And there ain't a damn thing the seller can do about it.

Wow, folks like you are what is wrong with ebay!

Did you ever take a business class or what? Say the cost of fuel goes up. the cost of that is passed on to the company receiving the items,who in turn passes it on to the customer. Capitalism,learn it,love it! Nobody just eats cost increases if they dont have to.Same thing on ebay.

The feedback system will be fixed when they set it back to the way it was. Ebay is chaging by the way, new changes to reign in buyers on the horizon. Sellers are making ebay do something about it!


Gas Prices..do they have to be passed on to the consumer?


Gas prices can be subsidized by the overall government, therefore remaining at a constant price steady with that of inflation allowing individuals to schedule gas billing accordingly.


What does that all say?


If the gas prices go back to Four dollars a gallon the government needs to step in and realize what the fuck they just did....!


What did they just do?


They just put the united states into a whirlwind cause they let the farmers take all the subsidies due to farming corn for ethanol....


What does all that mean?


Well if you ever took an econimics course in MacroEconomics and listened instead of texting your girlfriend to tell her how nice she looked last night when she was sitting next to her mother at dinner..you would realize that gas prices do not have to go towards that of the consumer....


Who is you?


No one in particular just a blunt statement to all those that want to take offense to it...


Was there any offense meant to be taken?


No offense to anyone who takes offense to any of this blurb!


Therefore...ebay does not have to allow the rising costs of sellers to go to the consumer either.


"Overall it really doesn't matter once the government steps in and heightens security on the purchasing of good via the internet and starts to stricken the taxation of said goods..."


Will ebay survive?


..no signs point to yes....!


I cant get a reply from this duschebag seller and he needs to just admit he is ripping me off!

Sadly, I think the government thinks the internet is the next great source of revenue. The states sure would like that cash..Yes that would kill ebay for sure.

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Bottom line through all the arguments, back and forth, Ebay has decided. You're not going to screw the buyers. If you choose to jack up the price to ship by adding bullshit costs, like gas (WTF does gas have to do with shipping???) or time standing in line at the post, you'd better hope your buyer is either naive, uncaring, or just plain stupid. Otherwise you will get a well deserved neg. And there ain't a damn thing you can do about it. Period. Dot. End of story.

Ha Ha.

Ha Ha Ha.



BTW...not necessarily aiming that at you save2600, however I've been on Ebay since the late 90's. While that was not the beginning, I've been on long enough to understand. Sellers originally sold on ebay as a way to get rid of junk they didnt want. A virtual online garage sale. Then the power sellers came in. The people who, instead of a getting a real job, they started buying crap from thrifts, WalMart, (or worse, Ebay) and flipping it for profit full time. Sure, this is capitalism, but then they got greedy and started playing games. Games with shipping costs, games with feedback, games with descriptions. Ebay lost customers (buyers), and millions of dollars. They needed to make a change. They did, and for the better. Only sellers dislike it, and really...if they do the right thing and treat their customers well there's nothing to worry about.

Wow are you slow on the uptake... lets dumb it down for you. the example "gas cost" is like ebay fee cost. Just another cost. with me so far? Someone has to pay the cost. It wont be the seller. be it best buy or a guy on ebay. They increase the price or add in a fee to recover that cost.

The story is not over Ha Ha Ha! They are fixing it. Read up on the new "buyers remorse" changes that are coming. Time to level the playing field. Maybe if they get smart a few negs will be in your future. Also even prior to the current economic upheaval,ebay's sales were down and are continueing as they drive off sellers. Ebay was much more profitable back in the good old days.

BTW, ebay is removing some undeserved negs these days. A sign of them wising up.

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AND there's no reply at all....

No reply at all.post-997-128055017581_thumb.jpg


Regarding Atarian63 - you bet! lol


But this time, he is right. Gas, packing material, time it takes to properly pack your shit, inconvenience of dealing with todays shippers (UPS/USPS/Fed Ex) - it all adds up.


Great Genesis tune btw :)

Edited by save2600
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in the end, its this. if you are unsure about the shipping cost of an item, combined shipping or WHATEVER, ASK THE SELLER FIRST BEFORE YOU BUY FROM THEM AND MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO PAY IN SHIPPING... Also if you feel a seller is asking too much for shipping DONT BUY FROM THEM, GO SOMEPLACE ELSE.




Also a lot of sellers jack the shipping up, BUT LOWER THE STARTING COST OR BUY IT NOW TO COMPENSATE FOR THE HIGH SHIPPING. The whole point of the high shipping / low start or BIN is to save some money on insertion, final value, and paypal fees! IT ADDS UP! Ebay are the greedy assholes here, not the sellers. IT DOES require quite a bit of work to buy and sell video games and make a decent enough profit to make it worthwhile. Some people are just clueless...


Not me though, my customers are perfectly happy with my product and i am a power seller than you very much. It means im good at what I do. Sorry about that... ;) know what else is funny, im 28 and now im making more money per hour than my dad who thinks hes mr smart cus he knows a lot answers to jeopardy, yet he does backbreaking work for a living while i sit around or drive around and mess with video games making more than him and doing what I love, messing with video games... Life is funny and full of stupid people, sigh. I love being right most the time. :) But its frustrating because so many people hate people like me solely because I tend to be right most of the time LOL... H A T E R S





Also let me tell you a story about idiotic assole ebay BUYERS. as much flack as sellers get, its really USUALLY the BUYERS who are the clueless ones, you know, the NOOOBS who cant even figure out how to sell something on ebay... Heres my recent story involving a totally undeserved negative I got some weeks ago.


I had for sale a playstation game that is a 2 disc game, only that one of the discs was missing. I clearly stated this in the auction in more than one place INCLUDING THE TITLE OF THE AUCTion and my price was adjusted lower than the game sales with both discs. So everything was kosher on my part. So some dickweed buys the game, gets it, emails me up and bitches at me like this" dude how could you sell me a game with a disc missing blah blah. SoI respond like "well, um, DID YOU ACTULLY READ THE AUCTION BEFORE YOU BOUGHT THIS GAME!?" LOl... so the buffoon ends up leaving me a neg that reads something like "this guys puts junk for auction to trick unsuspecting buyers"


LOL ya.. sure.. freaking moron. So i contact ebay customer DISSERVICE and of course, they give me the run around and well, they just couldnt remove this negative.. I dont give a damn anyway. still its funny as hell to me that the system could be that messed up and that people are as stupid as this guy. Ive had similar things happen regarding incredibly stupid buyers.. yet its us sellers who almost always get the flack. Screw that... its easy to be a braindead buyer, not as easy to be a good seller. us good ebay sellers dont get the respect we deserve, who gives a damn if we charge a little bit over actual shipping. its not enough to get your panties in a bunch. most ebay sellers charge similar rates anyway. who the heck charges actual shipping all the time? not many... and once they figure out how much money they are losing by not jacking their shipping up a bit and lowering the auction cost, well, you know what they are going to do... figure it out.


let me set something straight though, this was the original post


"$12.00 to ship one Neo Geo MVS cart within the United States is excessive!


$24.00 to ship two carts?


$36 for the three I won.....!




if i were charging 12 to ship one mvs cart, and someone won 2 more. Id charge them something like $24 to ship all 3... and again, this guy charging 12 to ship a cart probably took some money from the auction value and put it into shipping. not hard to figure out how this works, but at the same time hes not very appreciative of a customer who buys 3 games from him. so i dont agree with him not combining shipping and offering a shipping discount. I always offer shipping discounts when people buy more than 1 thing...

Edited by kevincal
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AND there's no reply at all....

No reply at all.post-997-128055017581_thumb.jpg


Regarding Atarian63 - you bet! lol


But this time, he is right. Gas, packing material, time it takes to properly pack your shit, inconvenience of dealing with todays shippers (UPS/USPS/Fed Ex) - it all adds up.


Great Genesis tune btw :)


Well, I gotta disagree again. Really, with that line of thinking you could justify ANY amount for shipping. Selling from home? Well my rent/mortgage, electric bill, property taxes...all expenses related to "handling". Monthly charge for your internet service? Gotta account for that. Time standing in lie at the post times an hourly wage of say, $20/hr.? Yep, that too.

Look, there are costs specific to shipping, and costs related to doing business. The shipping costs get offset with the shipping fee(s)/charge(s). the other costs you price into the item.


To be clear, I NEVEREVERNEVEREVERNEVEREVER said or meant the shipping fee should be the EXACT amount on the stamp. I realize the ink, labels, boxes and such do bear weight in the cost. But to blatantly jack the shipping to circumvent ebay fees is not only wrong and against the terms of svc, but it's a dirty, underhanded way to sheister(sp?) your customer(s).

Do you not find any irony in that the people defending charging double, triple, etc etc on shipping are the very ones who complain Ebay is ripping them off with fees?


And yep. Genesis FTW. Too bad they can't get their shit together and do a reunion or something.

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For the past 4 or 5 years I have charged actual priority mail postage. This means $4.80 to $5ish for the first pound, $10.20 for a flat rate, and $13.95 for a large flat rate. People who buy from me and realize they can combine, save a good deal of money. Most people whine about it and write me nasty messages asking why it costs so much to mail a game. A) free shipping supplies B) less lost and damaged mail C) postal rates are not set by me. Despite my honesty, and NOT charging handling I am not an eBay "best" seller because even though I have 100% positive on the 4.9 stars for the past 12 months in description I got a 1 star once, communication 1 star twice, and ship time 1 star three times, but for shipping cost... I have SEVEN one stars for charging too much. That is four more than allowed to be a "best" ebay seller. This means I have to pay 15% more on my eBay bill as a result. Everyone thinks shipping costs too much. Some sellers just say screw it, because even when you are honest you can't make em all happy. At least I try.



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For the past 4 or 5 years I have charged actual priority mail postage. This means $4.80 to $5ish for the first pound, $10.20 for a flat rate, and $13.95 for a large flat rate. People who buy from me and realize they can combine, save a good deal of money. Most people whine about it and write me nasty messages asking why it costs so much to mail a game. A) free shipping supplies B) less lost and damaged mail C) postal rates are not set by me. Despite my honesty, and NOT charging handling I am not an eBay "best" seller because even though I have 100% positive on the 4.9 stars for the past 12 months in description I got a 1 star once, communication 1 star twice, and ship time 1 star three times, but for shipping cost... I have SEVEN one stars for charging too much. That is four more than allowed to be a "best" ebay seller. This means I have to pay 15% more on my eBay bill as a result. Everyone thinks shipping costs too much. Some sellers just say screw it, because even when you are honest you can't make em all happy. At least I try.





I'm a frugal buyer, but will definitely agree. Buyers who are pissy at sellers over shipping charges that are legitimate should be kicked in the balls. I don't like that priority shipping is as high as it is, but I don't take that out on the seller.

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So this ebay seller has a feedback of two and is now on my blocked list...

I got him to retract the highest offers I made and forced him to issue a refund.


This is his words of wisdom for my future

"please do not bid on any more of my items and i am adding you to my block list you may want to be more rational when dealing with other sellers in the future"[/Quote]

Doesnt he realize that if he adds me to his blocked list I can not bid on his items anyways...

The only thing I can say is please do not buy from this guy...

If you are a member here on Atariage and you did this to me...Thank you, but all I can say to you personally is go 6 yourself!!!!

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