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Today is the day!


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So today is the first day of Classic Gaming Expo 2K10. Hope all the folks visiting have a great time and that all the people who've been working hard on new goodies find great success.


Those of us that can't attend will live vicariously through those that do! Hope to see lots of pics and video clips!

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If you haven't stopped by and said Hi yet (or if you said Hi yesterday and got a spaced out look and a non-committal grunt in reply and want a real conversation with me), I'll be wandering around the AA booth today. I'm in a blue shirt and beige shorts.



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None of these videos really show the full AtariAge booth, which was quite large and had a large number of 2600, 5200, 7800 and ColecoVisions setup for play. Stupidly I never did manage to walk through and take video of the whole booth, but I did take pictures of the booth. Hope to see more pictures posted.



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