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Name another game?


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This one should be easier than bumble bee...


Looking for the title of a futuristic tank game with the basic concept of a battle zone but easier controls (I think) like a ballblazer... I recall good graphics for the time, you took on enemies on an obstacle ridden landscape (I think large cylinders you could hide behind). After you cleared a level there would be a homing missile coming at you fast that you had to hit just right not to be killed, and go on to the next level.


Sorry to keep posting these, I've been back in the 8 bit stuff for about 6 or so months, but every so often I just cannot remember the name of some of those games I used to play.



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There ws one called dimension X or something similiar where you had a "craft" you flew through tunnels with obstacles like in the trench level of StarWars Arcade, and then came out onto HUGE BallBlazer-grid-like areas and battled the enemy ships until they were all destroyed in the sector, and moved on...great 3D first person perspective game with great graphics for it's time. Is this the one Your thinking of? Don't recall any cylinders to hide behind though......

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