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New YouTube Videos (Inclusing Castle Crises)


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(Sort of spam, but not really. This is on topic).


www.BiffsGamingVideos.com or www.youtube.com/biffsgamingvideos is in the middle of a ton of Atari video game reviews. Homebrew, conversions and prototypes included. Currently over 320 reviews for many systems including 5200, Jagauar and Pong. These are professional done.


Castle Crises from Atari Age is the latest review (on youtube). Check them out.

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See this is my problem with Biff. Most youtubers I know do this for the fun of doing videos about something they love. If they get subs they get them, if not fine. The constant shilling for subs burns my gravy, and I hate burnt gravy :P


He even writes on his channel: "Promote BiffsGamingVideos & I'll link you here" like he's doing you a favor to have the honor of being recommended by him. Give me a break :roll:

Edited by AtariLeaf
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I'd like to recommend these guys on youtube who are entertaining and funny without being pretentious:


RetrogamerVX - A very funny English fellow who does great reviews and uses some funny special effects in his video


Thomas3120 - Does some fantastic mods and customs work


MaximumRD - Our very own OldSchoolRetroGamer has some fantastic videos on the Colecovision


Lots of others too.


I'm not saying don't support Biff, I'm sure he's a nice guy and his videos are very well made. I just wish he'd let his videos speak for themselves and stop constantly asking for subs. Its supposed to be a fun hobby, not a job with a quota.

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See this is my problem with Biff. Most youtubers I know do this for the fun of doing videos about something they love. If they get subs they get them, if not fine. The constant shilling for subs burns my gravy, and I hate burnt gravy :P


He even writes on his channel: "Promote BiffsGamingVideos & I'll link you here" like he's doing you a favor to have the honor of being recommended by him. Give me a break :roll:


Sounds like you are jelous that your videos suck and mine are professional done. I spend a hell of a lot of time doing these videos in high quality. Most people trash the Atari 5200 (JNN or Classic game room) and do no research into the games. I make my video fair and professional. Many people shoot the video screen and call it a video. It's some kid in front of a web cam blabbing about stuff he knows nothing about. I go though a process that takes sevral hours to make one 4 minute video for people. I do this for free. If you don't want to see them then don't. It's not too much to ask for subscribers or comments.


I have edited videos that whave won best documentary for the emmys and tellys. I have directed national television shows. I do this for fun, but I want a bigger audience. You can do what you want, but for me I'm looking for partnerships with other companoes. This will allow me to do more videos.

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Sounds like you are jelous that your videos suck and mine are professional done.



Well see I didn't attack the quality of your videos or say that you suck so that was pretty childish.


I spend a hell of a lot of time doing these videos in high quality. I make my video fair and professional. I go though a process that takes sevral hours to make one 4 minute video for people. I do this for free.


That's fine, you shoot captured footage, have a nice title graphic and animation and music and review the game. Fantastic. Many of us do just that. I haven't seen anything in your videos that makes them more or less "professional" than anyone else. They're also entertaining, genuine people who are funny as hell. The only difference is you take it too damn seriously. Check out RetrogamerVX who I mentioned above as a great example.


Many people shoot the video screen and call it a video. It's some kid in front of a web cam blabbing about stuff he knows nothing about.


Again with the attacking. Those videos are fine, maybe that kid can't afford a capture device or is just more excited about showing off the game on youtube. Again, this is all for fun.


If you don't want to see them then don't.


Again, I'm not saying you have bad videos or that I don't want to see them. This was never my point nor would I ever tell anyone else to avoid your videos because they are well done.


It's not too much to ask for subscribers or comments.


Actually shilling for subs and the whole "sub for sub" thing drives most youtubers nuts so yes, asking for subs is too much to ask.


I have edited videos that whave won best documentary for the emmys and tellys. I have directed national television shows. I do this for fun, but I want a bigger audience. You can do what you want, but for me I'm looking for partnerships with other companoes. This will allow me to do more videos.


Ah so now we're getting down to it - it's ego. You're a self proclaimed big shot in a little pond and want to get back into a bigger pond. Then you have a lot of work to do to catch up to the CGR and AVGN's out there because your video's are about on par with say, a guy like me :D


Just to finish, I never meant this as a personal attack but just voicing my opinion on constantly asking for subs, I personally see it as bad taste but that's just me. Why not spend more time here discussing games, put a link to your videos in your signature and just talk about retro gaming for the fun of it and try to lighten up a bit. You know what I mean, post here more often than just coming here to promote yourself. You'll be happier and live longer. :)


EDIT - I just resubbed since I do really like your videos so keep up the good work and please do it for the fun of it. Thanks Biff. :)

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Have you watch my "Pong Wars" mini doc? How has anything like that? No-One.

Have you watch my video on "How to a solve Rubiik's Cube"? The best on the net anywhere. Period.

What about "How to Play Chess". Again, the best on the net. Period.

Who has more reviews of Jaguar or 5200 game anywhere? Noone.

I'm about to do several DVDs on poker and gambling. Some will be for FREE on youtube. Who does that? No one.



I do quality videos of games. They are better than 99% out there. The more subs I get whith views the easier it will be to get advertising. Partnerships make these things go around. There is nothing wrong with that. Every site has ads. Every TV station has ads. Every newpaper or magazine has ads. You and I do not do the same thing. Many of those guys with hundreds of thousands of hits used computer programs before youtube caught on. So now they have the hits so they get featured which means more hits which means more ads. I am playing catch up. This is what I do. You can watch them for free but I ask that you sub, comment and rate. That's the deal. if you don't like it, don't watch

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1 more thing, who else has a complete walkthrough of Dragon's Lair? No one.

You may find a site that has text or a dub of the video, but no one has the complete walktrough with video, text, points and explaination.


I was just in Vegas last month. I was going to do a documentary on the Pinball hall of fame but my camera broke just before leaving. Instead I shot some stuff on my crappy cell phone. I pieced it together to show others what it looks like. Now who does that? No-one. Soon I will do a documentary on Disney Quest 5 story arcade in orlando. Al of this takes time and you get to watch for free. How does that? no-one. Everybody charges you something, usually though ads.

Edited by BiffsGamingVideos
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Although the "Pong Wars" was fine, I would never call it "professional". Its you standing in your living room with boxes of pongs talking about them. Now again, and let me emphasize this, your videos are fine and very nice. I'm NOT calling down your videos but to call them better than 99% of what is out there is just a complete fabrication. You seem to think you're the be all and end all of making videos. You aren't. You're another guy sitting at his computer using a camera and some software and a microphone.


This is what a

looks like.


As for your doing it for free, and "who does that?" as you say, well everyone on youtube. I can't recall being charged for a single video I watched. I see lots of great how-to's on a full range of subjects that you don't even come close to covering and they all look like they took time and effort and yet all are free.


I can't speak on rubics cubes, gambling and chess as I don't care about those subjects, but a quick youtube search shows hundreds of videos of how to's on those subjects and some look very well put together, dare I say even professional. And not one asked me to sub, rate, comment or pay one red cent. So who does this you say? Well, apparently everyone.


I was just in Vegas last month. I was going to do a documentary on the Pinball hall of fame but my camera broke just before leaving. Instead I shot some stuff on my crappy cell phone. I pieced it together to show others what it looks like. Now who does that? No-one.


Apparently, lots of people. A quick search of pinball hall of fame las vegas on youtube revealed many hits. It looks like the dates from many videos indicate that PHOF videos have been done for many years.


Anyway, my point and I want you to concentrate on this paragraph here - you came on youtube and immeditately started bashing guys like AVGN and CGR while promoting yourself as the great savior of youtube gaming videos. YOU ARE NOT. Your videos are fine but your ego combined with your past work and education has sent your perception of yourself careening out of control. That combined with the constant shilling for subs and accolades really turned my stomach.


The quality (not talking about content) of your videos is on par with MANY other's I've seen. That's not opinion, its fact.

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Every time you buy a coke you pay. Every time you buy tennis shoes you pay. They jack up the prices to pay for the ads. There is NOTHING in the USA that is free anywhere except for air. Youtube is full of ads. You pay by them playing on the side of the screen. Many start out with an ad first and then have ads on the side. You are paying with your time. These are basic advertising-communication topics. I understand you may not have gone to college or have a MBA, but it's simple. You pay somehow. Many have annotations all of the screen. This covers up the content whixh is annoying (hotforwords). You are paying.


As far as being funny, that is a style. There is a difference between being a comedian and a journalist. A comdedian like AVGN JNN just makes fun of stuff. He does not do reviews. Classic Game Room says he is a journalist in the open but his stuff is filled with inaccuracies. I choose not to do that. If you want that then check out Irate gamer. Youtube is full of these kids cussing about stuff. However, if you want a fair and balanced review of a game (please, FOX news is anything but), then that's what I do. 20/20 does not crack jokes yet they have been highly rated and though of for a long time. This is my style. For every message on a game I get, 5 personal messages are sent to me. Most say something about liking how I give background info and respect. I have 3DO, CD-I, Sega Pico and other reviews. I don't bash them like other people do.



Here's my challenge to anyone:


goto http://www.YouTube.com/BiffsGamingVideos and take a look. Watch some of the videos and tell me what you think. This thread had a couple hundred of hits. Just take a look at some of the videos and let me know. Comment there or here. We'll let the people decide if the channel is worth it. Do you want more Atari videos or not? Just check it out 1 time is all I ask. I have a couple hundred Atari videos there. Look at the 1994 SCES videos where I interview Jeff Minter and a ton of Atari employees. Is this the kind of thing you want. You decide.


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"Anyway, my point and I want you to concentrate on this paragraph here - you came on youtube and immeditately started bashing guys like AVGN and CGR while promoting yourself as the great savior of youtube gaming videos. YOU ARE NOT. Your videos are fine but your ego combined with your past work and education has sent your perception of yourself careening out of control. That combined with the constant shilling for subs and accolades really turned my stomach."




My channel and web site are about GAMES not VIDEO GAMES. How to play sudoku, how to solve a rubi'ks cube, how to do magic tricks, how to play poker and so forth. If people want video game stuff, i can do that. If they want gambling stuff, I'll do that. The only way I know is by views and comments. I'm not wasting my life doing stuff that no one watches. Most of the top views have come from the walkthough to Dragon's Lair. This tells me maybe I should do one for Space Ace at some point. Let the people decide. Look at my youtube channel and tell me what you think.

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so if nothing in the USA is free how much are you paying Al to advertise your videos on AtariAge?


you guys need to calm your monkey asses down. valid points about game reviews are getting lost amongst whining and hateful vitriolic bile about other game reviewers on youtube and fox news.


in my opinion some people take gaming way too seriously and forget to have a good time with it. gaming is meant to be fun and enjoyable for all.

Edited by Atari Joe
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Every time you buy a coke you pay. Every time you buy tennis shoes you pay. They jack up the prices to pay for the ads. There is NOTHING in the USA that is free anywhere except for air. Youtube is full of ads. You pay by them playing on the side of the screen. Many start out with an ad first and then have ads on the side. You are paying with your time. These are basic advertising-communication topics. I understand you may not have gone to college or have a MBA, but it's simple. You pay somehow. Many have annotations all of the screen. This covers up the content whixh is annoying (hotforwords). You are paying.


As far as being funny, that is a style. There is a difference between being a comedian and a journalist. A comdedian like AVGN JNN just makes fun of stuff. He does not do reviews. Classic Game Room says he is a journalist in the open but his stuff is filled with inaccuracies. I choose not to do that. If you want that then check out Irate gamer. Youtube is full of these kids cussing about stuff. However, if you want a fair and balanced review of a game (please, FOX news is anything but), then that's what I do. 20/20 does not crack jokes yet they have been highly rated and though of for a long time. This is my style. For every message on a game I get, 5 personal messages are sent to me. Most say something about liking how I give background info and respect. I have 3DO, CD-I, Sega Pico and other reviews. I don't bash them like other people do.



Here's my challenge to anyone:


goto http://www.YouTube.com/BiffsGamingVideos and take a look. Watch some of the videos and tell me what you think. This thread had a couple hundred of hits. Just take a look at some of the videos and let me know. Comment there or here. We'll let the people decide if the channel is worth it. Do you want more Atari videos or not? Just check it out 1 time is all I ask. I have a couple hundred Atari videos there. Look at the 1994 SCES videos where I interview Jeff Minter and a ton of Atari employees. Is this the kind of thing you want. You decide.



well, since you asked for feedback, I went and watched the pong wars stuff, the dreadnaught factor review and that interactive dvd review, and here are my thoughts:

I thought the videos were okay. They didn't blow my mind or anything (based on what you wrote here I was expecting a lot more, I suppose). I was not a fan of your narrative style- there were way too many pauses, ums, ahs, etc for me. There was a part in Dreadnaught Factor were you were in the middle of a sentence, stopped talking, and then like 10 seconds later finished the sentence. And like I said, lots of "ums". If you are not just filming yourself playing, why not tighten that up a little bit? I saw that in all the videos I watched.

Having seen them, I wouldn't go back to see any more, I think, unless you fixed that. Just my opinion- if you worked on that aspect I would check them out again, I liked the video part okay.

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Biff confuses a growing annoyance at his increasingly hateful remakrs and circular conversations - for criticism of his hard work. It's entirely too defensive and not necessary.


Pompously challenging others to do your homework for you and critique your videos is a distraction from the larger point of maturity, pettiness, personal conduct and general disposition. The argument isnt "Biff's videos aren't any good" the argument is "this isnt the best way to go about things."


It's turning people off. I enjoy Biff's videos. They are pretty good. And he's right, he tries his best to give an honest and fair review in ways that many others do not. Thats why at first I felt really defensive of him and his hard work, until he wouldnt calm down and brought out the negativity and hate.


A simple announcement would suffice. Maybe in the Websites, Publications & Podcasts forum. No reason to escalate the negativity.


I've said it once and I'll say it again.. Games were meant to be joyful and fun for all.


Some people take this shit way too personally.

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well, since you asked for feedback, I went and watched the pong wars stuff, the dreadnaught factor review and that interactive dvd review, and here are my thoughts:

I thought the videos were okay. They didn't blow my mind or anything (based on what you wrote here I was expecting a lot more, I suppose). I was not a fan of your narrative style- there were way too many pauses, ums, ahs, etc for me. There was a part in Dreadnaught Factor were you were in the middle of a sentence, stopped talking, and then like 10 seconds later finished the sentence. And like I said, lots of "ums". If you are not just filming yourself playing, why not tighten that up a little bit? I saw that in all the videos I watched.

Having seen them, I wouldn't go back to see any more, I think, unless you fixed that. Just my opinion- if you worked on that aspect I would check them out again, I liked the video part okay.


I totally agree. Normally i edit that stuff out but for youtube I leave it in. The syndiacted videos will be re-written for broadcast and probably have professional talent. these are adlib and not scripted. Thanks for your input and honest evaluation.

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No need to into some kind of diatribe (AtariLeaf and Mlippart have covered all that needs to be), I'll just say that I like Biff's website more than I do the reviews. A bottom line scoring/rating system would be nice if it were handy too. Just a different or maybe slower style of reviewing is what I witnessed checking a few out. Don't really care to get into the politics of 'em, him or dissect too much, which is kinda strange for me I guess. lol


But... AVGN still has the best video game related internet presence IMO. Extremely polished comparatively and his humor & cynicism is unmatched. There's a couple others I really like too that are more serious (Jean Luc in Japan and I forget the other guys name, but his voice reminds me of that one body building Ghost Hunting guy that thinks he's all buff/tough, shows off his "guns" every chance he gets and tries to aggravate the ghosts). But as someone else said, they're just amateurish reviews is all. Of video games, which are supposed to be fun. Take it or yourself too seriously in a forum (the world wide web in this case) and you'll come off as more silly than anything else.


Best of luck Biff and thanks for covering some more of this obscure stuff! Don't have the time now, but I'll be checking a few more out in the near future :)

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But... AVGN still has the best video game related internet presence IMO. Extremely polished comparatively and his humor & cynicism is unmatched.


Best of luck Biff and thanks for covering some more of this obscure stuff! Don't have the time now, but I'll be checking a few more out in the near future :)



AVGN gets paid (partnerships include spike TV, MTV, cinemassacure, and screwattack). He also has others helping him. BTW he does not do reviews, he does comedy. Same with Classic Game room). Give me a budget and I'll do network quality stuff. One thing I am looking at is next year to sindcate a daily video game minute to TV stations. Obvously with a script, professional VO and editing, but the video and research is already done. We'll see.



Did I mention that I was first on the internet reviewing video games???? A fact that classic game room lies about.

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I'll just say that I like Biff's website more than I do the reviews. A bottom line scoring/rating system would be nice if it were handy too.



I don't do that on purpose. I'd rather you watch the video. The more hits the more likely I get partnerships. BTW: i have a lot of ROMs on the website that Atari Age does not.

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I have tried to add links to my reviews on the Jagura nd 5200 games, but Atariage gives a error. I'd love to have my videos attacked to each game. Currently on text reviews are there. it'd be nice to have videos as well.


Also, 1/2 of the links currently do not work. If you go through the 5200 games and try to go to external links for for reviews, then good luck. 1/2 don't work. It'd be nice if someone could check those out but then again Atariage is tought to get ahold of.


BiffsGamingVideos.com: a big supporter of Atari

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