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New YouTube Videos (Inclusing Castle Crises)


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I'll just say that I like Biff's website more than I do the reviews. A bottom line scoring/rating system would be nice if it were handy too.



I don't do that on purpose. I'd rather you watch the video. The more hits the more likely I get partnerships. BTW: i have a lot of ROMs on the website that Atari Age does not.

I took a look around your website and actually enjoyed watching the reviews. I like how they are concise and to the point, at least on the 5200 reviews, which is what I watched. I also like having only video of the game on the screen, no need to see a person standing next to a TV, just show me the game and I can hear you just fine. I like it, and it's a better way to do things than AVGN in my opinion, but I consider him a comedy act or an entertainer other than a serious game reviewer.


3-5 minutes for a classic game is plenty of time for a nice video review. If I could offer some constructive criticism: Work at being a bit more descriptive as far as game content is concerned. For instance, when describing enemies, or even whatever the Player is controlling, say what the thing actually is. Stay away from using generic words like 'guy' or 'guys' etc... In Centipede, you say "you have a guy at the bottom of the screen" or something close to that, to describe the shooter. I'm not even sure what your 'ship' is in Centipede, but either find out what it's supposed to be and use that word, or spice it up by using a descriptive word like 'Blaster'. Or in Countermeasure, I would rather be shown that 'turrets' fire at your tank, other than 'these guys'. You see what I mean?


Anyway, good reviews and I've bookmarked your site. Thank you for the effort and the free reviews.

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