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Javascript 1K coding competition


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I figured this might interest some of the minigame coders here. There's some 1K javascript competition going on online, with submissions due next month:




There's some really really impressive graphics demos - only a few games so far, though. I'm actually working a game right now that I might submit... assuming I can fit it into the requisite 1K, of course. :)



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And without further ado I present to you... SQUARE RAID. In 1K of javascript:




Your mission is simple: carpet bomb the SHIT out of hapless enemy squares. :)


Controls are W/A/D for up/left/right and B for bomb.


Score appears in the title bar, the screen wraps from left to right and top to bottom (for you, not for bullets and bombs), and enemy squares spawn faster as you progress.


This uses the HTML 5 canvas element BTW, so it won't work in Internet Explorer (yet)...

Edited by Ben_Larson
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