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NES Controllers - Which new models measure up to the originals?

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If I were you, I'd just pick up a dogbone or two on eBay or on the forums. Is there a reason why you want them to be brand new? I don't think that any third-party controller is going to be as good as the official ones.


I would prefer new because I'm tired of purchasing used controllers that are beat to hell, smell like cigarette smoke, covered in unknown sticky substances, or plain just don't work at all.

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If I were you, I'd just pick up a dogbone or two on eBay or on the forums. Is there a reason why you want them to be brand new? I don't think that any third-party controller is going to be as good as the official ones.


I would prefer new because I'm tired of purchasing used controllers that are beat to hell, smell like cigarette smoke, covered in unknown sticky substances, or plain just don't work at all.


Buying just controllers I've never had too much trouble with used stuff. Though if you do get some with nasty stuff on them, controllers for the NES aren't exactly super complicated to disassemble and reassemble. Just take the thing apart and clean the plastic parts nice and good.

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Yeah, NES controllers are extremely simple to take apart and thoroughly clean. Take it all apart, let all the plastic bits soak in some soapy water, brush off with a toothbrush. Wipe off the rubber contact bits with alcohol and a q-tip if they've gotten icky. The only possible problem is that sometimes they're so worn they fall apart when you take the controller apart, and I've yet to find a source to buy just those. (If any one knows of one, let me know... I could really use some.) But standard controllers are really easy to find cheap, so it's generally no problem to piece a good one together.

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Since no one wants to answer your question...


I've heard the new Retrobit ones for NES and SNES are quite good, and there is a dogbone option. At least that's the word from Digital Press. I haven't actually gotten one yet, but I plan on getting a set of dogbones to try them out.

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