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Expansion Modules #1 and #2

Curt Vendel

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One question, will it be possible to disable the inbuilt HSC feature?

Since the Cuttle Cart doesn’t work with the HSC it would be a nice have option to switch HSC on/off else it wouldn’t be possible to use the CC as development device in conjunction with the XM , right?


This is a good question/point of clarification...


Will the Expansion Module(s) work with the CC2?





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One question, will it be possible to disable the inbuilt HSC feature?

Since the Cuttle Cart doesn’t work with the HSC it would be a nice have option to switch HSC on/off else it wouldn’t be possible to use the CC as development device in conjunction with the XM , right?


This is a good question/point of clarification...


Will the Expansion Module(s) work with the CC2?





It'll work fine with the CC2.

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So, from that link, either:


-There will be a jumper to disable the HSC part of the Expansion Module, or

-You can just edit the text file to remove mention of HSC in the CC2 menu ???, or

-The force, being strong in the CC2, will be used by the Expansion Module to detect the presence of the CC2.


Either way, sounds like it will work.. ;-)



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I'm in for the CX-78XM1.


I can't really see why anyone would pay 60 for the HSC when they can get the XM for 30 dollars more. I'm not sure I see the reasons for putting out two products, especially if for 30 dollars more, the consumer will get the advantages of ram and the pokey and the ability to play the games made for it. I suppose that some people might just want the HSC for the games already compatible with it if they won't buy any homebrew.


I really can see the trend of pokey enhanced hacks coming out for the XM tho.


I agree with others who say that some effort should be made to do some cross posting on this subject with other Atari and classic gaming forums. While I assume that most Atari fans come here, it might be worth advertising just in case since 300 pre-orders is a heck of a number to reach. So far there have been 42 "I'm interested's" in this thread for the XM. 2 for the HSC. Long way to go yet.

Edited by Lendorien
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We can have the firmware in the Expansion Module disable it for CC2 usage and hopefully also H2 usage.


On the High Score Module, I could put in a switch on the back or side to disable it, that would be easy enough.



One question, will it be possible to disable the inbuilt HSC feature?

Since the Cuttle Cart doesn’t work with the HSC it would be a nice have option to switch HSC on/off else it wouldn’t be possible to use the CC as development device in conjunction with the XM , right?


This is a good question/point of clarification...


Will the Expansion Module(s) work with the CC2?





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Speaking of perceived value, if you're willing, why not sign the first 100+ units or so for those willing to pay in full up-front and we can have a registry of those owners. Just a silly notion, that doesn't take away from anyone, but tempts the enthusiasts to jump in. One can still fill future orders as needed, same hardware, just un-numbered. Maybe, more creatively, one can do it in the form of a letter with a facsimile/diagram of the circuit on the back, for example. Sign that and slip it in. Little cost, but would make some of us feel special. :D

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Correct me if I am wrong but I don't think that it is possible to allow 6502 and MARIA access to seperate RAM Banks with the Cuttle Cart.

Beside that the YM is (IMHO) a great enhancement.


I dont think anyobe who already owns a CC2 would need to buy a High Score Module, since the CC2 already has that functionality.

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Correct me if I am wrong but I don't think that it is possible to allow 6502 and MARIA access to seperate RAM Banks with the Cuttle Cart.

Beside that the YM is (IMHO) a great enhancement.


I dont think anyobe who already owns a CC2 would need to buy a High Score Module, since the CC2 already has that functionality.


I don't know whether it is or it isn't.


I was simply pointing out that Anyone who already has a CC2 has a fully functional High Score Cart, and would have no use for a second one if they bought a High Score Module.


but the CC2 and the Full Featured Expansion Module is like a Match made in heaven, until the H2 arrives. Then's more like a match made in Limbo.

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Correct me if I am wrong but I don't think that it is possible to allow 6502 and MARIA access to seperate RAM Banks with the Cuttle Cart.


If I recall correctly, the CC2 has 512KB of RAM that can be configured to simulate either ROM or RAM. It wouldn't surprise me if you could have it setup to have separately accessible RAM banks but someone would need to write a banking file to support it.



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Correct me if I am wrong but I don't think that it is possible to allow 6502 and MARIA access to seperate RAM Banks with the Cuttle Cart.


If I recall correctly, the CC2 has 512KB of RAM that can be configured to simulate either ROM or RAM. It wouldn't surprise me if you could have it setup to have separately accessible RAM banks but someone would need to write a banking file to support it.


You'd also need access to the HALT line to distinguish between a Sally memory access and a MARIA memory access.

Edited by GroovyBee
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I'd be in for number 2 if I could afford it. Number 1 doesn't seem so attractive to me, because it seems basically just a "High Score Cart" that only works with a few games and contains the same plastic as the actual Expansion Module for extra confusion.

Edited by doppel
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Correct me if I am wrong but I don't think that it is possible to allow 6502 and MARIA access to seperate RAM Banks with the Cuttle Cart.


If I recall correctly, the CC2 has 512KB of RAM that can be configured to simulate either ROM or RAM. It wouldn't surprise me if you could have it setup to have separately accessible RAM banks but someone would need to write a banking file to support it.


You'd also need access to the HALT line to distinguish between a Sally memory access and a MARIA memory access.


The Halt line is connected to something on the CC2, but I didn't trace out where it goes. Might be in the CC2 documentation.



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OKay, well I'm negotiating with the plastics company now, they said it'll be 45-50 days for the tooling to be made and 10 days to run the first run of plastics, so I need to get things set up with them for Sept 15th so we could have a November 15th ship date.


I'll get a pre-order page setup for everyone and let you know.




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