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Lakavision Limited - Might have an opporunity.. but, that means 2 projects to fuffill!


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Right now I've got a collect-the-carts maze game project and a Knightmare clone in the works. One one is a casual promise and the other has deadline. I don't like juggling priorities but I DO like creating and COMPLETING projects. Such is life.


Hung out with a co-worker today and, although mostly enjoyable, the parting was hard to read. We got into work related subjects and I tend to rant when given half a chance. Might have over-did it. Hard to read tired or tired of ME sometimes. Best to double check next time we meet. I value quality of friendship over quantity of friends.


The question of business realities vs. open sharing is something swirling in my mind recently. I told a new acquaintance today that I've been lucky so far sharing source and executables for my games openly and freely. Reaching people across the globe with my "art" and sharing what little my source has to offer is a real high. However, as my experience with Candybar highlights,...



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