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Actually got a 5200 at the local flea


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There is this guy, mid 20s late 20s, that's been selling classic systems the past month or so here in MA. I got a 4 port 5200, box/ac adapter, 2 controllers, and 3 games (river raid, defender and qbert) for 30. Controllers work! He's been selling old systems for $30 a wack.. SMS, $30. O^2.. $30. He said he's actually been doing fairly well selling.


I'm pleased. He's dragging out an SMS for me next week :cool: A friend with me said to my girlfriend "I swear videogame systems are like candy to him".. My girlfriend replied "It's not like it's drugs, so what?" :thumbsup:

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There is this guy, mid 20s late 20s, that's been selling classic systems the past month or so here in MA. I got a 4 port 5200, box/ac adapter, 2 controllers, and 3 games (river raid, defender and qbert) for 30. Controllers work! He's been selling old systems for $30 a wack.. SMS, $30. O^2.. $30. He said he's actually been doing fairly well selling.


I'm pleased. He's dragging out an SMS for me next week :cool: A friend with me said to my girlfriend "I swear videogame systems are like candy to him".. My girlfriend replied "It's not like it's drugs, so what?" :thumbsup:


Some games can be addicting like drugs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I used to live in Bridgewater and went to the Raynham flea all the time. I now only get there maybe a few times a year. Some of the guys there who have older games are a bit overpriced. Which one did you buy from?


Like I said, it wasn't one of the regulars.. Younger kid, barely had a booth. 3 small tables with a bunch of systems, lol.

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I found my 5200 at one of those town-wide flea markets.


I saw it on Saturday or Friday, but didn't actually get it until late Sunday afternoon. By then, they were willing to sell it and its games- including Baseball, Football, Defender, Berzerk, Qix (those last three were the main reasons I bought it), Robotron: 2084, Star Raiders, Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, and Centipede- for $10.00.


Naturally, it didn't work. Port 1 was broken, and I did not have my current abilities. So, time passed- finally, I was able to cross-wire Port 1 into Port 2. This worked- it was fantastic, pressing a number key, and hearing the voice in Berzerk- but the controllers had to be readjusted, in games like Robotron: 2084 you couldn't move without firing in that direction, and simultaneous two-player games were out (not a big deal), as was normal firing in Space Dungeon.


This was how it went for several years.


In fact, it didn't change until early this year. Then, and only then, was I able to repair Port1 AND Port 2.


It was much more fun once I built a digital controller. Super Breakout was great with a paddle controller.


And you people thought that because I like the CV, I didn't care about the 5200.


Congratulations on your find. 5200s are not easily found in the wild.

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