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Tr3vor's Blog - My Thoughts on Assassin's Creed, PS3


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I like this game, but I hate the framerate.

I know the story is bad, but who gives a poo about a story in assassin's creed? you buy the game to run around cites killing random people, climbing buildings, running away from guards, or actually trying to be stealthy...

The graphics are very good, except a bit of pop in. I really like the cloud effect, where in big areas, there are cloud shadows.


The framerate on the ps3 (I don't know about the 360, but heard it had some of this problem) is horrid at busy times. This is the thing I don't like about old 360 to ps3 ports, the frramerate. usually framerate and gameplay sells the game to me, like CODMW2 which is good, but this game lacks the framerate part. At points, I think it affects the controlls, cuz in the end of the game, where I am now, when I click "counter" it won't unless I hold in the button for like 2 seconds, when I could just tap in when the framerate is better...


Another thing I dislike about 360...



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