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mos6507's Blog - Yamato Rebirth


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After shutting down my MySpace page, and in recognition of the nonexistent blogging potential at Facebook, I thought I'd use this blog as my dumping ground for observations about gadgets and pop culture, especially when they tie into nostalgic themes.


Last year when "JJ Trek" came out, I was quite merciless in my criticism of it, both aesthetically and storywise. I also never warmed up to the new Battlestar Galactica. And I am not a fan of the Star Wars prequels, to put it mildly.


And so I'm probably not the only Gen-Xer who was holding out some hope for Yamato Rebirth to stoke the flames of Starblazers nostalgia.


The property of Yamato has been abused even worse than Star Trek. The problem was that Nishizaki never knew when to quit while he was ahead. From the time Yamato caught its 2nd wind (around the time the original Star Wars came out) until Final Yamato in 1983 (around the time Return of the Jedi came out) Yamato "product" flew off of the...



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