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EricBall's Tech Projects - AES-128 on the Propeller


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One of the knocks against the Propeller is it has no code protection, unlike PICs and other microcontrollers with onboard EEPROMs. And although the protection may be less than perfect, I can understand many companies are not willing to have their IP in an easily accessible state.


IMHO the way to remedy the situation is to include a small amount of onboard OTP storage for an encryption key and integrate a decryption routine into the bootloader. But for that to work someone (i.e. me) needs to code up the crypto routines. So I've been learning all about AES and working out how to code the routines in Propeller Assembly.


I've coded up a first attempt at the encryption routine and it's surprisingly compact - less than 1K. I've done some cycle counting and it's over 14K cycles per 128 bit block! At 80MHz that works out to 88K per second, so that's not too bad as far as load time is concerned, adding less than a half a second for 32K. The biggest time sync...



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