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Who Has Hacked Up A 5200 and What Did You Do?


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Thanks :)


Actually, since then, I've changed things around again (I do that every once in a while when I feel the itch to make something new)


That joystick is now back to a 5200 connection, but I did the digital joystick mod so I have a 4-way controller ... I'll post pics when I get back home (I'm at a client in Lebanon, PA right now)


As far as the PC-in-a-5200 case, I've changed that too. I purchased a small black mini-ITX case (much smaller than the 5200 casing) and was able to fit an I-PAC inside, and I got the DVD-CDWR drive for it - so I have a multimedia machine! you can plug 2600 joysticks in the back and play the emulators, or just watch a movie :-D Again, I'll post pics when I get home...


I love this hobby :)


(P.S. I also have three 9" VGA monitors waiting to be put into another 'MiniMame' cabinet, complete with console emulators. I'll get around to that eventually)

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  • 5 years later...

Sorry about the old thread, but I really would like to see the inside of PacManPlus' Multi-Game Machine. Does it still work? The old link no workie.


Any new 5200 hacks would be nice to see too!






frankenstick (joystick)



Radica Space Invaders (joystick)



Reveal "sumthineruther" (joystick)



Edited by slampam
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I added the Wait-Bit Domain mod to my Atari 5200 about a year ago. That's pretty much it for modifications, although some of the other posts do present some interesting possibilities for future projects! I've got an old 'n busted 5200 that's dying to be given new life.

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