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Don't know much about microprocessors


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I pretty much know two things about microprocessors -- jack and squat. :D


My father-in-law passed along some of his old books from his days working at AT&T, and one of them is "8-bit & 16-bit microprocessor cookbook" by Joseph J. Carr.


The book contains chapters on the Z80, the 6502, and spec sheets on Intel 8080A, 8085, 8086, and 8088 processors, Motorola 6800, 6809, and 68000 processors, and other information, including schematics for DC power supplies.


I can see where this might come in handy down the road, but for now, it's WAY over my head. Could anyone recommend a good book for the microprocessor ignorant among us? Something that brings the subject to the "for dummies" level would be perfect. :P


Thanks for any help you can give!


-- Pete

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No particular project in mind -- I'm more interested in being able to follow conversations I read around here (and other places around the net) without simply smiling, nodding, and having no clue. :P


Some 23-24 years ago, I took a high school course called "Intro to electricity/Electronics I". I'm competent to wire a household circuit, change outlets/switches/fixtures, etc. I retained a bit of knowledge of resistors, capacitors, diodes, etc, but mostly how to troubleshoot using a multimeter. (Resistors are a particular sticky point, as I'm partially color-blind -- those bands may as well be written in Sanskrit. I actually had to get a doctor's note so that my instructor could give me an alternate test for that unit.)


Thanks for any help or advice you can give.


-- Pete

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The Intelligent Microcomputer, by Roy W. Goody, SRA

click on the link for a pic of the book and a brief description.


Available on abebooks.com for <$5 including shipping.


Also, some of the old programmer's manuals that have been scanned and posted have a good section on how the microprocessor itself works. The Vic-20 programmer's guide is a good one as I recall. One of the Atari assembly language books is good, too, but I've forgotten which one it was I liked.

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